
if u searchin haxball war u can join on official channel



merry x-mas !

image: kjdskdksjkdjs
Quotemarry x-mas

how? :s
U need to buy engagement ring and put it on your christmas tree!
<insert forever alone pic here.jpg>
Quotemarry x-mas

how? :s
there is haxball.et which is more than enough
some retardcreated 2on2.haxball and 3on3.haxball which were useless, and now you create a hb.wars only for being op there? youre a joke
all channels are useless since u can find match via server browser (like in quake live)
haxball.et usually for players who are from ET, 2on2.haxball and 3on3.haxball for everyone, and now another channal where to have to search for when you can't find enemy cuz community(haxball community) divided?
its not an official channel, official channel is #haxball.et <-- join there if you need some war
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