2 comps & 1 screen

So i got this laptop docking station for christmas present by mah parents :-)

And i've bin looking on these switches where u can have ur screen/mouse/keyboard/headset/mic connected to a device which makes u able to just turn the computer u want to use on, and roll!

But i wonder if this switch will make any peformance diff for my screen mouse etc

got the samsung 120hz screen, razer 1000hz keyboard (cheap ver) and mx518.

Link to switch: http://www.dustinhome.se/pd_5010374611.aspx

So i want to buy it but i dont want to waste those 120hz cause i cba crawling under my desk :P

If there is any other solution or something tell me! :P

Hope you have a nice Christmas crossfire!
695 kr !
good to know man
That triangle is even better!
yes it is, i can't nolife anymore :P
omg kNas omg
christmas is tomorrow silly
Not in sweden and most other countries whos not having english as main language i belive :-)
merry christmas then :)
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