ich habe gar keinen channel per se. ich habe nur einen account mit dem ich like und fave. der ist für fremde augen nicht gesperrt, weil der freund meiner schwester ab und an mal guckt was ich mir so rein getan hab.
- It takes 1 second for Chuck Norris to egoquit, in that time BossHK has won the game.... twice
- Chuck Norris is actually BossHK in disguise.
- Chuck Norris was created by nerfing BossHK.
- BossHK once wanted a mini-me, so he hit the ground and Chuck Norris was made
- BossHK gave Chuck Norris permission to use his jokes since BossHK does not need to be told how awesome he is
more like Dub and Bass but still nice
mit quitschigen vocals lockt mich keiner hinterm ofen hervor.
stimmt schon das die uploads bei ukf sehr durchwachsen sind aber zwischendurch ist doch wohl mal was gutes dabei :P
aja bei ukf dubstep gibs auch ganz paar feine uploads :D
alá http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7SryRT_j1k
aber mein abo bei ukfdubstep is gekündigt :P
(gibs dein chan eig noch:P?)
- Chuck Norris is actually BossHK in disguise.
- Chuck Norris was created by nerfing BossHK.
- BossHK once wanted a mini-me, so he hit the ground and Chuck Norris was made
- BossHK gave Chuck Norris permission to use his jokes since BossHK does not need to be told how awesome he is
Chuck norris once went to the movie , the movie watched chuck norris for 2 hours.