rtcw2 help?

im reading journals and see i see posts of rtcw2...
checked on gs and stuff, but i cant find anything?

someone got some usefull links?

/close :<>>>
nope, cause nothing has been announced yet
k, can close journal now :>>>
its being developed by Raven who did Q4. This is actually good news as raven were too lazy to invent any new multiplayer for Q4 so with any luck they'll do the same thing with RTCW2. However its being developed for 360 first so...
as far as i know the mp part is developed by nerve that did the rtcw mp!
The only information of any interest that is publically available is this:

QuoteDuring G4's G4TV.com program on Monday night, id Software co-owner Kevin Cloud revealed that Nerve Software will join Raven Software in developing Castle Wolfenstein, the upcoming next game in the WWII horror themed first person shooter series. Like they did for the previous game Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Nerve will be in charge of creating the game's multiplayer mode.

And that is old news
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