
image: newimagesg9

England variant of good friends Borat, who make steady but unspectacular progresses in England premierboat.
I don't see anything remotely homosexual in this picture. In fact I think you will find that Borat and his english cousin Borot are very much against homosexual predator.
I heard a lucious rumour that Grabboyo travels everywhere by roflcoptor. Can you lay claim to these accusations ?!
luscious or ludicrous? I actually travel by lollerskates FYI. Anyways, the work firewall appears to be 'ok' with xfire today, so I must take full advantage!
You know I actually felt sorry for you when you posted on ETNation, claiming you couldn't access Now I see that it's all lies, I don't know what to believe anymore. :<
Work firewall blocked me yesterday honestly, Mr Sol, but it now appears to be ok with xfire. You don't need to feel sorry for me, Sol. I'll get by. I actually had a reasonably productive day at work yesterday! Get me!
I registered a day after you on xfire. We are almost linked, destined almost to spam until we can spam no more...
BORing - cultural learnings of xfire journals for benefit random lagger
You are not a nice person.
Over here we have Ali B, the Dutch cousin of Ali G. Must be a coincidence.
It's just your imaginiation, running away with you.

I've thought of a new cartoon character, he'll be called Ray Cyst, I think he could be a big hit with the youth of today.
hehe ray cyst
He's going to teach the youth of today about illness, whilst also being horribly racist. It's going to be great.
sounds good m8, ill be ur beta tester.

my middle name is baldnazi so..
Will he have a pet panda, which will show that black and white combined can't possbily be usefull?
He does now! Oh yes! Pandas are lazy buggers, it's troo.
I lol'd real hard ;) :D
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