Winter Snow....

Oh hai gais!

I'm currently on vacation in NYC (I actually reside in L.A., haaaaugh!)
Anyway, just came back to my hotel room from a walk. I walked through Central Park! And I can tell you there is soooooooooooooo much snow right now outside, I swear, if every snowflake was a dozen of red roses that would be like countless of dozens of red roses!! Haha! What a story!!!
Anyway, I was just walking through Central Park, contemplating about my new movie script, when all of a sudden I saw a female and male silhouette fighting on the ground, they were screaming! Suddenly I felt a rush of adrenaline! HAAAAAAAUGH!!! NO!!! I put out a battlecry and tackled the man off the woman! And before I realised the woman slapped me and asked me what I was thinking...turns out they were just a couple messing around in the snow!!! HAHAHAHA!!! (LOL!!!!)

What a story!!!! you have any similiar awkward/winter stories to share??:)

Merry Xmas from New York everyone!
proxyattempt failure
nice fail
I'm currently on vacation in NYC (I actually reside in L.A., haaaaugh!)

Country: HR


oh wait izi for change the flag ' Edit Profile '

im in mars, lots of snow here too
Water on Mars?
yeh some, now i invented cocacola and selling it. making some cash
I'm in NYC atm and .. not much snow at all tbh, if any :(
nyc is amazing during xmas!
just not last year with all the blizzards :P
Psychiatrist, NOW. GO!
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