Megaupload speed

so i hv a megaupload, but since a week of two 2 out of 8 links i downloads are with 15kb/s while the others are at normal speed. this makes it pretty much impossible for me to download, since mostly i download stuff of +8 parts. with rapidshare everythings fine :/

any idea how to fix that or anything?

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It's all about marketing.
cba to make a journal but casek sent me this awesome video :
i posted that
Start downloading latter (around 1 a.m or 9 a.m or 2 p.m), so start download when nobody does.
But if everyone is downloading when nobody else does, everyone is downloading when everyone else does.

image: troll_icons_2_28891_7697_thumb
Jij bent zo een KKR NERD OJNG
It's slow as fuck now usually while before I sometimes could get 2 mb/s
still can, the thing is that theres just to often a link in there wich only goes too 15kb/s :/
Had ik ook last van met google chrome sinds ik firefox heb heb ik dat niet meer :D
3-600kb/s on MU as free user

Fileserve free. 400-500Kb/s

RS premium 1.9Mb/s <3
i can get up to two mb/s with MU, but theres smth wrong and now it just downloads with 15kb/s sometimes, its very annoying
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