scripted camera

need someone to make one for me, shouldn't tak elonger then 10 mions to make one.
My pc doesn't want to install camtrace and gtk radiant:<
My pc doesn't want to install camtrace and gtk radiant:<
Read: I'm to lazy to search for a tutorial and learn how to do it :<

nee egt, hij wil he tniet installen, tis zo'n standaard windows die er op staat met van die shit erop waardoor ik ook gene firefox enzo kan installen, ik ga hem binnenkort formattne enzo maa rmoet eerst een cma hebben zodat ik de movie kan afwerken
While we're talking about Camtrace, maybe someone could quickly answer this: is it possible to set different camera speeds in differenct sections of the curve, or is the speed of the camera always linear throughout the curve?

In the manual transition speeds are said to be availible only for DeFrag, so I guess they can't be used in ET...
I was gonna request that feature from gg67 but he has been kinda busy
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