About $U$UMU

yo nerds

SUSUMU is the best player ever. I play with him every day. We are so cool at lotte.

KillerBoy cant stop him either.

We're the greatest pros ever.

Thank You 1

Stay & Idle @ #LOTTE.PRIV
he is fucking retard so is you
sand is a retard and so is you
k00l $t0Ry
Low+ with cheats ;)
low+ with wh = retard lololol
Hey Needle : )
The most badass cheater is pebezej
The most badass cheater is pebezej
oh god can you finally stop attentionwhoring? noone cares about some randoms anyways.
vyper says you're a hacker too
QuotePlaying with cheaters is wrong

This user is tagged until 22 Mar 11 for playing with cheaters.

I see what you did there...
i think he played with susumu :P
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