firefox problems'ses

I have this problem with firefox. Everytime I try to watch any video from Youtube or anything that needs flashplayer, it crashes right away. I noticed that when I turn off "Shockwave Flash" addon off, it stops crashing, but I cant see the vids either.

What I have tried to fix it:

1) Reinstalling flashplayer
2) Deleting everything related to firefox and reinstalling
3) Installed older versions of firefox and flashplayer
4) Google'd

Though, funny that Opera and Chrome work fine with it, but only firefox seems to have issues.

image: tendo-mokko-chair-main-1
use chrome.
It sucks llamas ass. Using Opera now, but im still missing all those cool addons of firefox ;__;
tbh I like chrome pretty much :)
Its slower than Opera for me and it doesnt have any useful addons n such
nice stab in the back pieter. gg
so u cheat on firefox aswell?
Hidden_wh4 is still injected to plugin-container .. sinCe ages
This seems reasonable, I'll have a look :)
so u cheat on firefox aswell?
did you download the newest firefox , could be a beta !
Well, it crashed with older versions also. I downloaded the one thats on the main page
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