Sylvester 2010

Good evening gentleman,

as i am really bad in such "creative" stuff i would like to ask what you guys are going to do this year at 31.12?

as the basic stuff like "going into the club, party hard blabla" seems pretty boring i am on the look for some nice ideas.

Something that i could do with my girli, not too gay and not too boring ideas pls :)
Preferably ideas from german users please, as i'm living in germany.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I was thinking about a little trip by car / train for 1 or 2 days...but where to? (I'm living in schleswig-holstein:) )
beer + more beer + more beer = drunken = sylvester
good question, will most likely go to a club but yeah nothing special..
biiiiig buffet & alot of great different alcoholic drinks in a friends house + party

15€ buyin pps
well thats the "notlösung" at my girlfriends place, but i'm checking some alternatives :)
atleast my notlösung will be legendary ;)
lol who needs new year celebration

image: fatnerdshutwindow_fireworks

stupid nerds drinking alchohol and such, gonna play enemy territory whole night instead
gonna celebrate with snoop, asmogan and powelcheck!
with ice tea again ?
u don't need alcohol if u wanna have fun :)
i need it actually.
i dont know what you mean by that, but no.
the photo u made dunno if u were with them on that photo, they had ice tea in their hands. found that pretty funny on new years eve.
+vodka !!!!!!!!!!!! ohne muss ja net sein. :)
das meine ich ja :')
we once posted a pic but we didnt have anything to drink on that picture. :p
i was pretty sure u had ice tea in ur hand. sorry for offense then : D
Ah no problem mate :) didnt feel offended at all ;)
sum crappy liveset + heroin .. voila , heppi nju jier
dunno yet, will think about that tomorrow :P
let your firework meet the lighter ;)
berlin brandenburger tor ! =)
lets go to United States of America new york city
been there last year on sylvester

its nice!
Letztes Jahr war ich in Amsterdam, hat meiner Schnecke gut gefallen. Kann ich nur empfehlen. ;)
guenstig zum pennen und auch so??? :)
teurer als pauli is es schon, aber geht
How big are the chances if I buy fireworks in Germany at the 31st, will there be anything left ? :P Stores like Lidl, Aldi, kaufmarkt
Close to Zero.
early bird is better than late
ill be playing fifa11,seriously
party@suburbs. vodka+vodka+vodka+vodka= selfkill
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