Read it and weep.
29 Dec 2010, 02:54
Personally I hate journals with just a link or image however, I found this so utterly shocking I just had to spread the word:
what is wrong with society? -_-
what is wrong with society? -_-
Totally agree with you btw.
people having dreams and aspirations, nothing wrong with that 8D
lol wat, wtf is a stone? a rock? or...i dont even
1 st = 14 lb = 224 oz = 3584 dr = 6,35029318 kg
That is so awesome
that comment made me lol for about 5 mins , this women should be stabbed and used to feed all the hungry people around the world
and i feel very sorry for her kids since she´s gona be dead in about 2 years max
Oh geeeeeeeeeez...