Onnea Jani (decem) and they day =)

Happy birthday 2 jani. I wish you all the best and that all your wishes come tru. Have a wonderful day and party hard but I don’t need to tell u this.

I want to share this awesome movie: http://www.exit-through-the-gift-shop.de/
So if you like street art, look this documentation. It’s fantastic and I rly like it. Best of 2010 for me

So for all others, hope you all looking forward for new years eve and alrdy know where u partying at!
Questions for today:
1. Jealous or don’t care?
2. Look or style?

Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbAZiVRG6h0

image: lykke2

Shoutout 2: todays special Jani (decem) & Alan =)
Onnea :)))

1) Jealous
2) Style
Happy birthday!

1) depends. not really a jealous person, but if she was like "hey I kissed this cute guy at work today" i'd probably not be amused. if that was the question? xD
2) both
1) used to be reALLy jealous, but i'm getting less and less so as i get older
2) style is more important for me, but both matter

hb decem

also, will watch the banksy movie, i'm a fan
I care about the way I look wearing particular clothes.
if it looks good on me I don't care even it's some outdated stuff\ trend etc.

bcuz some styles \ uber latest \coolest trends can make a somewhat normally looking person
look like a scarecrow (literally )

like when i see some skinny feminine faggot wearing slim-fitting trousers it looks just fucking disgusting
1)Don't care
paljon onnea :)
1. Used to be jealous.
2. Hmmm...
Thanks Saskia! :) I downloaded the earlier movie you suggested to me, I watched a bit of the beginning but didnt have time to watch it yet. Dont know what it's about though :P

and that one, the full movie is out or?
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