

You have won a Bigfoot Networks 2100 Network card in our Christmas Bonanza, please send me you name and address so we can ship it to you.

Thank you

Michael O'Dell

Managing Director

No idea what the point was, so I am going to tell about my dream before I forget it!

There was some rhinos in this house we were in, had to climb to a bed so they wouldn't run over us. Then this small rhino comes to the room, walking like a human with two legs. It is normal, apparently every baby-rhino does that. But it was different, it wanted to grow fingers when he got bigger. We told it that it can't do that, but it started to cry so we had to tell it that sure he can. Then it became happy again and promised that it won't tell other rhinos that we were hiding there. It felt weird when touched, was blue and little bit furry.
lay off the acid boy
: D
u so crazy
please send me you name and address so we can ship it to you.

Managing Director can't speak english, troll.
won a laptop in sms lottery liek a week ago, you jelly? 8DDDDDDDDdd
smell troll, no congrats ? :(
it's peanut butter jelly time`?
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