Downloading? (.be)

Till now I always downloaded with Rapidshare. I had to pay for it but it worked great for me. I downloaded at maximumspeed of my internetline and it always had the files in the formats that I was searching for.

Now my rapidshare account has expired and I'm figuring out: is there another method to download movies/music in great quality for free or are the payed methods still the best/safest? Are torrents virusfree?

u have to get urself a private tracker account. I recommend u torrentleech !
you mind giving me some more information about that? I have no clue how that works
downlaad utorrent.

then go to

and search "torrent sites"
search, download the.torrent file. and open it with utorrent.

> download.

there ya go

but in order for it to be absolutely awesome, you need a private tracker account as sinn1e said.
private tracker account, that means I have to pay for it?
not necessarily.

I use this private torrent site

all u gotta do is have a positive upload/download ratio and u can download forever.
in Belgium most ISP's still have traffic limits, so for a Belgian it's almost impossible to have a positive ratio. unless you pay fucktons of money to the ISP for an unlimited connection (and even those have limits: you can download as much as you want, as long is it's within normal amounts)
downside is that you upload shit, and if they find a way to track you and thus can prove you provided a movie or software to 2.000 people then have fun paying the penalty :D

I know that's very unlikely to happen, but I know a few people that got some nice letters from lawyers, and one was visited by the police (well he downloaded thousands of movies and burned them to sell them ":D").
what a stupid retard :D did he had to pay a fine?
yup he had, and he didn't have the money ofc so he almost went to jail xD
that's why smart people have a program called ratio master :))
eh, what is it?
why are you on slovenian torrent site lul
because croatian torrent sites are shit
Pff, you don't need a private torrent, public will work just fine.
anyone also can answer my question. I prefer movies in 1280*720 but they are often in 1280*544 (it can be something else than 544 but usually not 720) .. how comes? and is there some way to know before downloading if it will be 1280*720 or not? cause often people call there movies 720p but they aren't really 720highth
So you want your movie to be scaled taller than the original widescreen version?
hmm I just don't like the black bars above and beneath the movie.. or are those always there with 720p movies :(?
its relative to your screen resolution / aspect ratio :!
my screen resolution is 1280*720...
is that your native resolution or did you select that for a reason?:

anyway a lot of torrents include a "sample" with a minute or so you can download on its own to test them if you were worrying about that..
it's my native resolution on my tv, I play all my movies from my mediaplayer to my tv..
ah! doesn't the tv have some sort of scaling options you can get rid of the bars with?

if i fullscreen a video on my tv using mpc i dont get those bars unless its an old 4:3 tv programme or something, thats directly out from my gpu with an hdmi cable though
maybe but doesn't that take away the good quality of the movie? I download 720p for there good movies so it would be a shame to lose the quality =/
yeah a little you have to decide which you prefer to live with i suppose!
you also know how it comes that sometimes 720p movies are a few GB big and sometimes only 600MB ?? are they still the same quality :s?
i guess thats the difference in compression, like if you have a mp3 @ 128kbps or higher/lower it changes the file size for the same song
hmm yeah so the quality is better at the GB movie then.. since 320kb/s songs are still best quality? atleast that's what I always here when people talk about it
well in theory yes it should be
haha indeed, some songs on youtube are better in 180 :D
rapidshare + jdownloader

e: ofc premium
yeah I think i'm gonna stay with rs. 2000rs would be fine right? I still have 85GB left to download but just my rapidpro account expired.. I don't download that insanely much so 85gb should be fine for the next 1-2 months
Are you able to dl files although your account has expired if you still have some traffic left??
no ofcourse not :D it's just when I re-enable my account, i'll automaticcly have that amount available to download
rapidshare lefu ;p
Vuze. you can stream movies too your tv with it too ;D
I prefer downloading them to my pc, I like having a collection
yeh it downloads too your pc, but if you wanna watch it on your tv you can stream too your tv :P
huh? is it a streaming website or a site to download 'real files' to your pc :s..??
its a program that searches torrent sites for what you want.. then after its downloaded too your PC lets say a movie.. you can stream it over too your TV and watch it on your big screen instead of pc monitor.
yeah that's kinda the same with all of the downloadble movies :)
i know that divx "remembers" the stream , so after viewing u can easily press safe:)

image: TheHorror
daar staat alles op in supergoeie kwaliteit en da download kei snel.. das gewoon perfect, enkel moete betalen ja ma da hebbek er voor over.. momenteel toch nog..

me wa download gij dan mss? en heeft da ook alle films in 720p zoals ge op warez-bb kunt terugvinden? en kkan daar ook aan max speed van downloaden?

ps: hallo :D
ge zou beter wa leren
haha :D ja kga nu verder doen, khad ff moeilijk moment! excuses

tot vanavond coach
jup, strak in pak
trolling? or are you just retarded?
Change the title to: Downloading? (.BE)
Frop was nearby ^.^
Frop and me are the brothers we never had.
Krosan betaalt ook een van die shits, maar ni rapidshare..
PM't em is als je d'r meer over wilt wete, die had mij da is allemaal uitgelegd op vent ma da ben 'k al vergete :(
get TL - invite.
or buy/trade one like I did... one time investment of $15-25 and lifetime of profit @ max possible speed @ anytime

paying for rapidshare or any other site alike is really really a waste of money
Rapidshare was altijd wel het beste vond ik zelf, da is ma 50 euro per jaar ofzo. Ma tegenwoordig verwijderen al die filmbedrijven die fucking links constant.

Ge zou zoiets als nieuwsgroepen moete hebbe.

Torrents vond ik zelf altijd maar lame
Usenet => ( €2.50 / month )

+ usenet search index = ( $10 / 10years )
keep on using RS tbh, you could use torrents aswell but you'd have to seed n shit on most sites and pretty much everything is on RS when you have a decent forum like

I'd use torrents but my upload is crappy, 70kb/s and 2mb/s down... takes forever to seed something back + RS is just to convenient
RS > *

just share an account with a few friends (not allowed, but it works for me)
same here, make sure u dont have over 5 connections at the same time, or was it not more than 5 ip`s in total? sharing mine with 1 other person, we never had any problems :) but he read that somewhere bu i cant remember which one it was^^
Steal someones usenet details and gogogo download max speed :D
Ge zou beter wa gaan tennisse :D
leeft gij ook nog
Ja kzit in leuven nu :p genen tijd meer ..
idem, alleen op zondag spele (ma nu me den blok zit ik thuis)
haah :D ik tennis nog genoeg ze, nu met den blok en exames ni ma vanaf februar 4x/week :D

kzie nu gewoon dak de komende dagen altijd iet doe van sport, kheb de voorbije 4dagen altijd een uur op den hometrainer gezete en vanavond gannek zwemme ^^ ben mij voor den eerste keer ooit is bekke goe aant voorbereide op de zomer ;-)

gij nog wa aant trainen? op herentalse is da zeker e?
Neje eigenlijk ni het is al lang gelden dak nog getennist heb.. 2 maand ofzo
ma na de examens begin ik ook trug ;)
jup herentals!
hopelijk moetek is tege u spele in de zomer dan he :D
Haha ja idd ma da betwijfel ek want kga voort criterium gaan in vlaams brabant :p
wa klassement zijde gij geworde dan? :p
Gaat da lukke daarvoor gaan ? :D
b-2 nu

ma in vlaams-brabant geraakte gemakkelijk in top 4 ze, da kunde ni vergelijken me antwerpen, daar zijn der veel meer goeie b-15's dat daar aan meedoen enzo
Hmm ja kan :p
of zo'n pro's gelijk als mij he :D
jaja =D wa zijde gij van klassement nu?

ik ga dees jaar b-4 / b-15. zal ni gemakkelijk worden maar we doen ons best é ;)
B-4 :p
Ja moet wel lukke als ge veel speelt :p
Khoop dak hetzefde al zeker kan blijve en mss -15 als ik veel speel
mjah als b-2 moet ge daarom ni noodzakelijk veel spelen ma gewoon ni te veel minpunten pakken en paar perfokes doen e. gwn ni te vroeg beginne tornooie spele asek er nog ni klaar ben ^^ eerst nog wa conditie kweke :p
yes,private torrent sites.
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