earphones, IEMs & Running

Anyone have experience with various in-ear monitors and running/jogging? When I look this stuff up I get mixed responses, some claiming that IEMs are ruined by the sound of your feet hitting the ground and those that claim IEMs will stay in and still provide good sound in other situations.

Traditional earphones are sometimes suggested, or over the head headphones but I've never really liked these outdoors. Noise isolation isn't going to get me killed where I live, I rarely have to cross roads where I run and if I do then I'll always stop to do so.

tldr: Suggestions for musics while jogging. (If IEM I must be able to run them over my ear).

Sort of things I've been looking at:



I'm considering getting a "good" pair of IEMs for walking/commuting then something cheap/shitty/breakable for exercise (eg: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sennheiser-CX-500-Headphones--ear/dp/B000WOGAJO/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1293709472&sr=1-3) but I worry that they might struggle to stay in my ear and that the wire will cause heavy microphonics. Anyone who has them care to comment?

My budget is probably around £50 either for one or two sets. If I get one they obviously have to be durable.


ipod shuffle
its a fucking nightmare when normal earphones fall out all the time, so get in ear/headphones if possible

and just go for some fast paced indie or dance or smth

I use those for the gym/running/kayaking. Good sound and stay in the ear well. You just have to make sure you put the right size of ear buds to keep them in.
Hey meez,

I've been using the Sennheiser CX 300 II with my Ipod for a couple of years now as I decided to sell my Shure SE210 (money..).

I'm a lazy bastard and never do any running, but I did own them while I was in the army and they did survive many a mission in ma tank; so they are quite durable. Also Their J-Cable prevents any odd ear slips from my experience.

You might try the Klipsh Image, Denon's or even the Etymotic MC5 which are all around the $50 mark.

I guess the PX100 or the Koss Porta's would do the job as well; never been a big fan of using headphones for any out-of-house-activities though.

How are you planning on buying two pairs for £50? Second hand?

Any hu, can always ask the headfi guys..
I've had far too many pairs of CX300 break on me to consider them seriously though. The pink ones can be bought for £7.99 though so I'm tempted to get yet another pair just for the sake of having them :D.

And I could get a shitty pair for say £12.99 like the CX500s and then some nice Shures/SoundMAGIC/Denons to take up the rest of the budget, use one for running and the other for walking/commuting... which is what I meant by buy two.

I know porta-pros have had quite a lot of praise for their pricepoint and this cult-like following going on... I'm just not sure I trust their durability with running so am leaning more towards the PX100.

It's quite awkward as it really is something I'd like to be able to try before committing. I need new IEMs anyway whether I get the PX100s or not so I might get the soundmagics and see if I can run in them at all.

And yeah, head-fi can be sweet but as you say, sometimes difficult to differentiate the facts from the bullshit.
'Tis odd you and Frop have had so much trouble with yar CX-300's...Didn't you receive them with a guarantee?

Can you actually buy a decent pair of Shure's along with another shitty pair of cans in under 50 quid? If so I'd go for it!

Btw, I'd suggest you try and find an "audio-shop" which allows people to have a sit and listen to a couple of Cans so you can try the PX100 and PortaPro's out (as they'll never allow you to listen to any IEMs without buying them).
The only specialist audio shops around here seem to be hi-fi/speaker based and stock very few headphones let alone have ones for you to demo. I'm currently at my parents place though so when I move home next month I could try taking a look there. Long time to wait though :(
Well honestly its not like you are thinking of buying darth beyers or something..I don't think you can really go wrong with 50 quid cans..unless they are some skullcandy shit :P
Can't really help you, been wondering the same thing myself and am actually telling myself the sole reason for me not running anymore is that I don't have any decent earphones for it. Head-fi is the place to be I guess.
Loads of noobs there though, plus the new layout is weird. You really have to pay attention to who is posting as well. Many of them just copy pasta someone's review or opinion without actually listening to anything they talk about.
I've been using KOSS PortaPro before for running, it's a neat little headset-ish thing. I have in-ear Sennheiser plugs now, and they are pretty nice. As long as the wire isn't touching something metallic (like a zipper) it's fine. It creates noise pretty when the wire gets in contact with other stuff, like metal and clothes.

I have these: http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-CX150-Noise-Attenuation-Earbuds/dp/B002YI2MRU
I've been using the ones mentioned by LION (Sennheiser CX 300-II). The sound quality is decent and I did hear my footsteps at first (or anything brushing against the wire), but I got used to that after a while and it doesn't really bother me anymore. I didn't find them quite as durable though, have to replace them at least once a year as the wiring in the connector plug takes quite a beating in my pockets.

I'd go for a headset despite the ambient noise.
After recently noticing that he has been wearing the same jogging bottoms for the past 12 years, Meez has decided not to change clothes but rather put them to use and take up jogging.
got samsung ultimate ears 700 (from time to time you can get them for ~45pounds) - those are really good. IEM need to isolate well, otherwise the sound is going to be rather bad and IF they fit & isolate well they are certainly not the best choice for usage during running/jogging.
cx500's serve me well for everything and they're cheap as shit...mine lasted over a year until they broke, which is sufficient for <£15

bought another pair and they're serving me well too
what's running?
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