Microsoft Word.

I used MS Word 2003 and i need it again coz my test version(ms office 2010) is over now , so i need a new alternate to it . i tryed Abiword which is good but not as good like Word ,

So anyone maybe know where i can find a free Microsoft Word ?

Google just gave me shit :/

Thx for your help and happy new year everyone.
what FinlandPanda said
what panda said or google harder...found over 10 full versions with 2 keywords.....(loser lol)
how do the keywords 'loser+lol' give you 10 versions. you internet wizzard
stackman is a loser lol who can't google you foolish wit.
you failed to spot it
get test version again
Torrent Microsoft Office 2007? i still have the file on my computer :P
open office
thx all openoffice looks nice
It absolutely is. I would even prefer it instead of MS Office if I had to pay for it.
Use 2007 cracked version :P
So lucky that my school provides me of all the cool software I need :PPpPPPp

What ng said, libreoffice is the new openoffice.

That being said, LaTeX > *
apply crack
buy when rich
staroffice is also ok
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