w0nd3r and his retarded behaviour


Last Night we played this match at gtv and won 4:2 but we did a mistake at esl and enter the wrong score 2:4 for inyourmind..

After i entered the score w0nd3r take off my Request rights.

"The permission to request events was taken from you since you probably messed up prior event managements."

pls can some "normal" gtv admin with some brain enter the right score ?

And pls kick this big kid out of your crew thx

btw screens from the game that will teach everyone who win..if an esl admin is online pls pm me at irc and fix the score at esl wpuld be pretty nice <3

score is fixed at esl so pls dear gtv crew change it too.
image: 20110105204058supply.th
image: 20110105205026supply.th
image: 20110105205635spdeliver.th
image: 20110105210119spdeliver.th
image: 20110105211252swgoldrus.th
image: 20110105212223swgoldrus.th
sad panda is sad :(
Quoteadmin with some bain

k :D
enter it right on ESL and nothing would happen^^
so how are you doing nowadays! still not using irc non-stop?^^
ye well im fine, we are busy with year end at work and uuuhm time is flying away and it looks like im again not often online, but ill try to be there at least at weekends :)

how r u?!
ah busy days suck:(

Well I had my first football training in months yesterday, I believe I twisted my knee right away thoughXD
OMGOAD this must hurt or NOT???!!! :o
nah, it only feels a bit when i'm trying to move it from left to right (or right to left;D)

(im not sure how it would feel since I never feel much pain)
or up to down and down to up and left and left and right and up :PPPP

okay then its ok. u should care bit more about urself ;)
haha yes indeed, whenever I move it too much^^

why should I care more about myself?:o
well otherwise one day u r not able to move left right up down. :p
neither am atm^^
i must say Aggro, that does suck lol.
Good luck with the match scores though.
w0nd3r <3
The admins these days are a bit crazy :P
a bit crazy? VERY CRAZY
You should seriously see my inbox dude lol
print screen! :-D
you go, w0nd3r!
tja deutsche scene sind halt alles hurensöhne !!!! scheiß auf et man :D is eh billig kindergame...

10 min google und du has slac cheat bitte wie peinlich
ach deswegen also das rote dreieck mit dem ausrufezeichen?
is eh billig kindergame...

Age: 17 ( 5 November 1993 )

ach deswegen also das rote dreieck mit dem ausrufezeichen?
verschwinde :o
I wonder how much of your reply got influenced by your red triangle :))))))
much, very much ;D

but i dont care
yaa he has his moments....
Talk to FoaMeA of the Roman Empire, best admin.
too bad we lost :(
Dumm ist der, der dummes tut.
du bist so gebildet :D
Aber natürlich ;)
kommse mal xfire
INTERNET POWER IS ADMINING give it to normal people with no serious reallife issues please
Quoteand enter the wrong score 2:4 for inyourmind..

blame yourself, obviously gtv rather believes the score on esl/cb than what some matchrequester enters
gtv rather belive the match demo and the gtv comments u damn retard..now gtfo u stupid dumbass u talk shit every time i see ya so welcome to ignore list =)
: D u mad
liek they would waste their time watching demo's brainless tard :XD
and for the comments..there were no comments making it that obvious that the entered score at esl was wrong considering it could also be possible that they made the comments before you entered the score at gtv
so just lower your ego and post those screens before insulting random guys while the taken actions are your own fault
how could i even think you're not as dumb as those survive-nerds
Ofcourse we do, especially if the requestee in case already has like 6 adminnotes and 5 bans on his account :D
: D
maybe he's just too young to understand
hi w0nder
w0nd3r is one of the nicest guys i know on this site, so tbh I think he just misunderstood the situation.

can someone please ban aggro from all websites?
someone should ban you for talking bullshit at gtv with ur little cheater friend fire & dj smile :)
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as if he wasn't retarded in the past.
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