6 ON 6

What do we want? SIX ON SIX

Are we dividing the community by this?
No! We are just - by the will of a stunning majority! - going back to where we were at..
Everybody will eventually follow and we will complete our mission successfully.
without the admins interfering, forcing a format nobody wanted, saying that we are too stubborn for a change and hence forcing it on us while threatening that if there will be any whine or flame about the format they will kick us out.
SIX ON SIX will be back!

Even in the eyes of a spectator, 6on6 is much more enjoyable. Here and now I encourage every nations captain to boycott CB. Let the nations do their thing and impress us with some mighty memorable games we didn't see since the new format was introduced! They will have to act if some of the finest will refuse to play their cups.

We are not willing to play something much less enjoyable for the sake of a small group of players which go to LAN every year. TosspoT is saying that it was a nightmare to host CIC6 in the 6on6 format. Of course hosting a LAN means fatigue to the organizers, what did the think?! The truth why we are now doomed to play 5on5 is: TosspoT doesn't care about ET anymore. Instead he prefers to invite CoD fags to an event created only for the joy of ET's finest. We needed to adapt to 5on5 only because the CoD players, the guys which look at us with contempt, play 5on5! This is ridiculous!
It is only for the sake of TosspoT's wallet we are now playing 5on5. People need to finally realize this. Everything else is a made up story! A blatant lie! We do not need to listen to lies!

Where are the promised profits of 5on5? One year of 5on5 and there is neither more activity (the opposite!) nor are there more LANs. The truth is the admins are too embarrassed to admit their mistake or else they are blind and deaf. Nonetheless, the admins still venture to publicly lie that 5on5 was a step into the right directions with many benefits.. THERE ARE NO MORE LANs than there have been. We have had just as many LANs in 2k10 (5on5) as we had in the years prior to that (2k9 & 6on6), namely: each year two of them.

Discussions with the likes of Krosan and TosspoT have shown that we can achieve absolutely nothing by just plain talking to them, we need to act!

Let us get ET to its former prime, to what it was!
Let us abandon the 5on5 format.
Nobody likes 5on5. We all want 6on6 back!
Let's switch to 6on6 by our own democratic will!

Let us not accept what has been forced on us without our will! We have the choice!
They say WE need to fix WHAT THEY have destroyed.. so be it!
Let's take the things into our own hands. Don't be sheep. Crawl out of your holes!
We can make the change happen! So what are we waiting for?!
Pm mayni for 6vs6.
Best Journal 2011.
sup obama's speechwriter
Slightly off-topic, but do you know of any issues with the Acer GD245HQ?
dont remember, heard of noticable input lag, buzzing sound, etc
check at that nerd forum about screens
i don't really care what format i play but you're right when you say it is more enjoyable as a spectator to watch a 6on6 than a 5on5
i peed in my trousers :C
well, too long Journal, didn´t even bother reading it :(.
you have a life?
do not want
tl;dr version?
Thx to 5o5 we are now happy to play 6o6 again. =)
Revolution starts today! >> #6on6.et <<
And #revive.6on6
Shit admins in that channel. If they lose they ban because its run by kids...
make a new 1. #et.6on6
The truth is the admins are too embarrassed to admit their mistake or else they are blind and deaf.

another option: RETARDATION
the admins don't give a shit*
Well actually you league admins only had to adapt due to TosspoT, I do not lie the blame on you. I meant only a small group of admins with the original post, those that host LANs.
most cb admins agreed with the change
ofc they did, since they want to see activity on their shit* site
Disappointed :|
cant even get 2 players to start a 5on5 team, dont even start about 6o6
vraag vapor dan
laat mij dan gewoon meespelen tot je een medic vind die wel aan jullie skill voldoet.Vapor als rifle, en je hebt er 5
Churchill would be proud.
vib for president! Yes we can!
QuoteThe duel of the year?
What do you think was the most exciting, the most thrilling, the mo...

Instead of making a poll of something that I don't even know what the hell is about, make a poll of who prefers 5o5 or 6o6 and let the community decide!
i prefer 5on5
was freust du dich denn so ; x
yes yes 6on6 plzzz

how can you play 6v6 if there are about 8 or 9 people who still play ET?
tl;dr but 6o6>5o5 !
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