MSN sucks

tyrannosaurus'cocks :[
my god, can't you live without msn for a couple of hours?
And this guy is supposed to lead team France to the NC... OMG WE'RE DOOMED !!§§§ :<
T'as que ça a faire de trainer sur xfire a 1 heure du match de qualif ?

Depeche toi t'as du boulot nondidiou !!

no problems here :)
ça marche bien chez moi t'es un foutu corky.
i can only talk to 1 person. AND ITS MY GIRL!!!

thx good god!
i've the same problem
same probs here...can't tok 2 any1!
I don't know if you have any idea what you just implied, but I lol'd irl. :D
ye have the same ... hate it -_- :@:@:@:@
i think evereybody has it-_-

all the people getting online / offline:D:D:D -_-
using giam, connected fine

can talk to other gaim users fine

either all my rl friends who use the msn client are ignoring me, or something is fucked up with msn
you are right
lol now it is repared:D
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