jonas the pure one

Me and Jonas has played with each other for a long time. So why does everyone accuse him for cheat all the time?


I have seen the matches he has played and some pcw's to, but I have never seen any cheat involved. To be honest I don't think he can download a cheat :S. And ffs he has played the stupid game when it first came! ofcours he is good!

If you maybe know, Jonas has not been on any LAN or so.

- omg he has not been on any LAN!! HE MUST CHEAT!!, says the noobs around the ET community.You don't have to go to LAN's to be a good player.
don't give me that shit once more!

"jonas is cheating!"

"jonas is cheating!"
you own!
please go back to the public marsh
English please
tja butchen :)
idd butchen
cheata nr 3 =) after alexl and pepper.

jonas can be nr 4 if u say prettyplease.

that was quickly=)

that must have been forum-hax;)

bbl, gonna play offi vs noll8
oh crap u busted me there :D
well the people who stand him close, know that he don't cheat. And I think many other agree to
butchen.. u must be one of the most clever guys out there.

i admire u=)

nå kan du suge kuken min takk
I actually understood the Norwegian part. I would've never pictured you as gay! :O
was that "and you can suck my dick?"
Who's brother are you again?
well if you don't have eyes, try to hear the name
your english dont works
busted lolZ
ur face @ fler style
stop whajning plz, butch is making a movie with a handcam of jonas playing!
yeah I'm thinking of doing that one day, so everyone can stfu
Member For: 7 days
who gives a shit.....

lol i remember when jonas' brother added me on msn and invited jonas to the convo

he was interested in getting hax
they have given you permission to put the logs up, go ahead

or you deleted them or don't have them cuz you have linux? :)
no, i dont have it

besides, that wouldn't mean that jonas hax, but still..
just wanted to point that out :P
your making him look guilty, stop it!

butch will make a handcamed video of when jonas is playing soon.
and then upload it to prove his innocence.
der esel nennt sich immer zuerst
jonas is cheating
omg he has not been on any LAN!! HE MUST CHEAT!!
jonas is clean
Butchen wasent you the guy who asked chaplja for som haXxX?
Now... wait a minute... is your butt clean or...?
Hi butchen!
Crap topic name.
I not played the game when it first came! So of course I no good :(
dryg blaze? :S

du är säkert en såndär som tror jonas cheatar också ^^
klipp dig och skaffa dig jobb

welcome to crossfire. as earlier mentioned, there is such thing called "reply".

this will automaticly reply your answer to any of the comments... magical isnt it..

try it, maybe it works for u aswell.
butch är för bra för reply, tack.
lol :D

saken med blaze är ju att ingen vill anställa honom just därför.
Member For: 7 days

hi fake!?
i know its hard when a close friend gets caught, but dont you even agree he is very suspicous? did you even watch the reset .avi?
Didnt ur mom learned u not to lie?
Member For: 7 days
my god he is my brother not friend. so I know what he is made of. And what with this "member for 7days". If you think I'm fakenicking or something else, you are wrong. I have used this nick when ET started so don't give me that shit
Member For: 1 year, 10 months and 26 days :(

Anyway I believe Butchen is the actual hacker, he tries to make us think hes covering up for jonas but he actually tries to make people focus on jonas instead of him. That is all!
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