cant find subtitles
8 Jan 2011, 16:31
I cant find the dutch subtitles for the movie "MiLF 2010"
Always I get websites where I have to pay :(
Can anybody help me with getting a FREE download link for the DUTCH subtitles?
Always I get websites where I have to pay :(
Can anybody help me with getting a FREE download link for the DUTCH subtitles?
daar heb ik al gekeke, ondertiteling voor die film staat da ni op
ook nlondertitels geprobeerd ?
ja, geen resultaten gevonden
:(, kzit ier tax te tekenen vo vanavond, boooring :d
ik kom vanavond ni online =/
dan ga 'k die match maar forfeiten
tja , tis zaterdag ej...
idd, kutamerikanen :(
tege wie zoude we spele dan? :D
intake gaming
Learn english.
haha, stupid nerd cant understand english
Get one with English subtitles, should be easier.