Hi. This is me.

Hi. This is me.

I don't like vegetables, except for carrots and potatoes.

My taste of music is very broad and I listen to almost everything except for rap. For some reason, I dislike most rap songs except for a few certain artists.

I am generally a person hard to understand, yet, I am able to read other people like books.

I am not timid, I simply choose the people I want to have contact with.

This journal is influenced by a hard time I'm going through as we speak.

I realize saying this sounds stupid when children starve in Africa. Yet, I have the right to suffer from my problems, be they minor or major.

I like honesty. Yet, most of the time, I am actually dishonest.

My best friend as of now was a voice in my head that I heard when I was eight. No, this was not four years ago.

The reason for this is probably because myself is the only person I am completely honest with.

Show your human face, Crossfire members. Who are you?

"LOL WAT IS PURPOES OF DIS JURNAL?" - You are retarded.

"LOL NO FRIENDS" - I am actually a very popular person. Yet, the requirements of what I consider a friend might be significantly higher than yours.

Quote"LOL NO FRIENDS" - I am actually a very popular person. Yet, the requirements of what I consider a friend might be significantly higher than yours.

best part.
so this is picture of average crossfire user
I don't know, actually.

I think the atmosphere here would be a lot better if I was the definition of an average crossfire user. At least the average IQ wouldn't be your shoesize anymore
Honestly, I dont think that people over here are stupid (ofc, there are some exceptions).
They just have their problems, which they are trying to solve. No matter if consciously or no, they just usi this website as their "psychological playground".
I think that most people here (not all, as always) are just desperate to belong to a group of people.
One prime example I discovered of this as of recently is Killerboy. He used to just not care about what people thought about him, now he's jumping on the Poland hate bandwagon to find friends.
To me, bandwagoners are quite stupid, and unable to think of their own opinion. I might be radical though.
keep it up, and i might disregard your age
Two years separate us.
That's simply time.
Would you consider that a 21 year old is significantly smarter than you? I'm convinced I could prove the opposite, in fact, I'm convinced that you actually don't classify people by age but have never made positive experiences with people who happen to be younger than you.

Your friendship as something that I can achieve doesn't seem worth it as I don't know you enough to long for it.
that's exactly the kind of reply i wanted, you just won me, take me whenever you want
"Gender: Male"

"Take me"

Fuck, I affect people.
see at first, i wanted you to earn my respect, and you just passed that line by a lot, and now i want to earn your respect

get it now?

edit: i tend to talk about things that aren't necessary related to what you replied
What a success. :)

If you're desperate, you can PM me for my xfire. I'm not on IRC much, my bouncer recently died. I think it was bird flu, I'm not sure.
i'm not desperate for anything, i'm just bored, also, i don't really use xfire that much, and i'm never on irc anymore, so unless you've got msn or facebook, then we just aren't meant to be
I don't like to share my personals. My MSN is the email in my profile.
only you can see your email
Many guys here seem to aim for being part of some group here.. You just mentioned one way to achieve that.
hurr queue for foodstamps durr.

Actually right now it's not as bad as it used to be sometime before. Remember the Trolled hard picture with Dom DeLuise? I never saw anyone combine it with halfway acceptable content that wasn't sketched with a wax crayon - deluxe bandwagon.
Sometimes I saw it with funny trolls, but maybe I just found those funnier because they were by Francis, who I luckily got to know before he became this spammer : )
But yer, one could say it got overused, just like any other quote here, which just got spammed everywhere and anytime, no matter if it really made even halfway sense at that point. Also happened ages before DeLuise/Trolled Hard..
Well, I have to agree with you on this one, but it doesnt interfere with what I said above.
If what you consider "psychological playground" is what I consider an "alternate social environment", then I guess we agree.
Well,depends on what you define as "alternate social environment".
A place where people can experiment what will happen depending on what kind of behavior they show and be social outcasts without facing the consequences.
i would offer you my friendship because i'm kinda like you in some ways, but then again, i don't like talking to younger people than myself, because i automatically consider them stupid
Ironically, I assume everyone around me is stupid except for the people who prove the opposite. It's how I get around.

Not that many actually did prove that so far.
since when is potato a vegetable?

apart from the fact that it TECHNICALLY IS. But nobody really classes it as a vegetable
'Cause you only know it in fries..
Nah, like in a roast dinner, i consider things like carrots, broccoli, sprouts peas etc as vegetables, and then there are potatoes in their own catagory :_D
I actually never noticed anyone not classifying potatoes as vegetables.
It's neither meat, fruit nor mushroom. Of course, it might have its own category in your head, but I'm pretty convinced it actually is a vegetable, even if not as healthy as some others.
check reply to nicon
QuoteBut nobody really classes it as a vegetable

You really consider yourself important, don't you? :)
image: forrest-gump-p111

More extraterrestrial on this world than E.T. for all I care.
Forrest Gump :)

liked a lot of movie from him.
I actually meant the character Forrest, not Tom Hanks. Though Hanks is a significant personality himself, too.
ye, hes special :p
afaik im myself.
It does seems strange to post this here of all places, but thats cool
To be honest, I was wondering myself what reactions this thread would call upon, but I am positively surprised. Only 2-3 trolls, and I was bored, now I had some nice conversations :)
thats cool! was expecting a massive shitstorm, if i had feelings like this the last place i would post them is here i think :D brave man!
so you actually meant this and this isnt a troll?
My best friend as of now was a voice in my head that I heard when I was eight. No, this was not four years ago.

only lie in this journal

I was interested what would happen if I threw a live person with feelings into CF, yes.
its quite funny since with the first 4 statements you are pretty much the same as me :)
then again the other statements have nothing to do with me
Can't express in words in how many ways this made me laugh.
I'm glad to have entertained you, lowlife :3
I like how you try to use fancy language to make yourself look better.
would have to go with niSmO on this one, a journal on crossfire would be the last place for me to express my feelings, not that i'm a lot on crossfire anyway so yea
I was interested in the people's reactions. :)
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