6v6 vs 5v5, what?

Hey, I have one request! I need your opinion for the discussion. Its about 6v6 or 5v5.
Which format should we use, why and how? Since no admin does any poll, I want to make it as journal.

My opinion:
I am for 6v6. Why? This game is just basically for 6v6, 3v3, 2v2!. 5v5 does not fit, because the Game is way other then other games. Well, 96% of games with 5v5 format have a different objective than ET. For example, you just plant 1 Bomb and map is finished. You have to give only 1 shot and enemy is down. In ET, you have to give min. 3hs to kill someone or 6 bodyshots. Also the movement and maps are different. For example in CS:S or CoD4 you have only way A or B. In ET you can have much more ways + extra trick ways/jumps. The maps are just for 6v6. Well, in 5v5 there is always 1 guy, who has to play the multiguy. Switch in between 2 sides, because there is no 6th. So, you play with 2+2+1, some may play 2+3. But thats bullshit. Maps are made for 6v6. Also 6v6 showed us much more players, viewer peak up to 2k. Now our allstar/final matches have only 400max. Ok, once the match of Impact, with 600 I guess. But well, thats 3x less than before. We had also in 6v6 much more teams in leagues + more motivation ingame. Please also change the rules and configs. To play rifle in 5v5 + 5v5 configs is totally bullshit

Well, thats my point. Please write your opinion, dont write any shit comment or spam.
Answer with: Which format should we use, why and how?

not another one ffs -.-
I always thought that 6v6 was perfect for ET and that hasn't changed.
I've been playing only 6on6 since Baggiez posted that column and it's working out pretty great so I don't really care. When I have time to play again (probably summer) I'll keep on playing 6on6 unless a 5on5 LAN is imminent.

Just search 6on6s, play games, have fun.
have to admit having played a couple of 6on6's again (having advanced from like low+ to med since i last played 6on6 properly) it does seem better. Its my chaotic and i don't like the spam much but its more enjoyable to play and not too hard to find 6 people.
6v6 all the way
nigger wut
support these channels!
'what meez said'
6 bodyshots --'
Where have you been? Pretty much everyone already knows everything you just posted lol..

p.s. 8 body shots to kill ;)
5on5 is harder, thats why its more interesting, feels like more professional because if you make a mistake it punishes harder than 6v6 + less spam more aim <3
de te csak azért javaslod 5on5öt, mert nincs 6 magyar játékos
van még egyáltalán aktív player?
teli vagyunk velük
de amúgy van
és fogtok valami teamet összedobni?
jó lenne már valami magyar csapatot nézni gtv-n :P
hát nationscupon biztos lesz magyar csapat, és kb minden este játszanak/játszunk vmi mixet, de h komoly magyar csapat legyen, arra ne számíts
96%? how did you count that?
600 viwer peak max? 1400+ and that 2.1k was in 2006
why 5on5 doesnt fit? if you cant play it, thats not our fault

1st of all, stop talking bullshit, if you want to win an argue, 2nd: play 6on6 if you want, noone gives a shit, but stop this at Crossfire, its boring

as Hungary Powi said, imo 5on5 harder also, and it feels great.
what we concluded from this journal

- The maps are somehow good for 2on2 & 3on3 but they are somehow not good for 5on5
- 5on5 is harder/more challenging so 6on6 is better
- OP is still delusional thinking that if we switch to 6on6 you will get 2k viewer peak (LOL)
- OP is misinformed and already forgot last month we got a viewer peak of 1.2k (not 400)
- OP thinks we had more teams in leagues, while it's the contrary due to 5on5 = 10 players, 6on6 = 12 players
- How does movement(tjs) effect whether a game should be 5on5/6on6??
- OP has never played CSS/CoD wars and neither has he played ET since he thinks you need 6 bodyshots to kill a person and 1 shot in cod/css
- OP is inventing crap to strengthen his arguments
His arguments are perhaps presented incorrectly, but the overall point is that 6on6 is more popular, more fun to play and the format that the maps etc are designed for
Imo let's start playing 4on4 :P less spam more aim <3<3<3<3

:D ?
What Slayersquirt said.
I agree, its amazing how people fight for an empty spot in a 6on6 on #et.gather (join and stay!!!), and as far as I can see about 90% of the community wants 6on6 back, so are we actually listen to a few ppl who want 5o5 pr do we, the biggest part of the community, fight to get 6o6 back? Im more for the second option :-]
delivery for 6o6 ? :OOOOO :D

BTW: Why do you play 2o2 and 3o3 if maps is created for 6o6 only? :O
Dude, u wrote ony advatages, but u didnt say anything about disadvantages of 6v6. First of all, its less useful at LANs coz u need more computers => organisator has to pay more money => lower prices for winners. Next, 5v5 is more clear than 6v6 - less people on voice server.
U dont need to buy server with 14 slots - 12 is enough. Game is more clear (6v6 looks like gaymods with 50+ players).
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