cless threads

when I read those "cless blablabla" forum threads I see only med+/high players. Or at least they say so. Can u think twice when u do those threads? Too much med+ clans/players nowdays which should rank as low.

More realism, please.

E: and yes, when searching war, the same shit will be repeated
Same goes out to the people looking for a pracc. Everyone seems to be _atleast_ high.
That's because you only get crappy teams when looking for something realistic!
more shit journals please

marvel superheroes vs streetfighter 1v1 lowskill got serv
you show them m8!
thx for the info
yeey another shit journal

never heard about the crossfire med+ skill iron?
me start thiz came von weak ako ant me med+ fo sho!
says "Iron"
ahahahahhaha thanks for the laugh :)
I'm Juggernaught, bitch.
dear iron, you played one match together with me and now u are high+ :)
You're a noob.
Is your team recruiting? If not, why are you reading a bunch of clanless threads? And even more important - why does it bother you?

Thirdly - Would you be so kind to define the skill levels for us then. So that in the future, we can tell those lowskillers what skill they should put, as not to bother Finland Iron, knower of skill.

Edit: If you made a clanless thread, how would you rate yourself?
If Finland Mystic would make a thread, how should he rate himself? What about Belgium mAus? What about Germany humm3l?
so ure saying that everything is fine? when looking for medskilled opponent u get some lowbies that get owned to respawn, when looking for med+ its still the same, when lookin for high, u wont get one and when u do, they are actually med(real med, not wnb med)
hey dint give hummel the german flag this is retared :s
I am highskilled ET-player
i am ETPlayer
i am low
isn't it normal u want to exaggerate your skillz...

I doubt anyone recruits just by the skill someone says he is without testing him. So basically it just gives some direction what kind of clans would try him

but about finding games it's often boring to play against those wnb high skillors, I doubt they enjoy getting raped in spawn
just let them search for med+, maybe they will learn something when they get raped to theyre spawn :)
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