<SLACRoom> pub

The bestest :DDD reminds me of good old u|k server :')
10 map campaign with xp level rewards :PPP

need someone to make newspost about this server, it's awesome
You can't infight SK there, which means a lot of fulls.. Otherwise it's pretty OK.
you can selfkill 1 sec before spawn
lols Law abiding ETplayer detected...

it's easy... bind "key" "kill;forcetapout; say u just mad cuz Im selfkillin' on ya"
I think there's some script that says "No infight selfkill" if you try to selfkill n seconds after being shot by the enemy.
Lols you really never tried to selfkill didn't you... else you would know. The banner doesn't mean shit and I've never seen a script that does anything to selfkillers exept on Hirntot. But if it's really like you say then wtf are you doing there.. If people can't deal with people selfkilling they should play jaymod cuz 80% of the players there don't even know wtf it is
if u take dmg u cant selfkill...
spam it and u can bug it and manage to sk otherwise its the most annoying thing on the server >.<
good server:)
Hirntot, BiO & Crossfire > *
hirntot = pb
This server still rocks your socks.
ye awesome.. if u dont download their shit u cant connect, they kick me because of my fakenick, they kick you when you do infight selfkills, they dont allow spawnkill.. oh and when u do 3 headshots u get kicked for hacking
Spawnkill = allowed

I downloaded their "shit" and desintall it, profit?

Fakenick? :S Cause you were using beAsty? well, bad luck :{D

About the 3hs, think you had a bad day on this server, cause never saw anyone kicked for owning on the server
actually u cant even spawnkill ? dont they have some random crap on their server which makes artys/airstrikes not work in spawns?

u still have to download it again when connecting. but ye its not a big deal anyway.

no i use the same fakenick for 3 years or so already .. a pink long underline.

got kicked/banned twice already.. first time i wrote in their forum.. second time i cba anymore :S
Nah, nothing is blocking sk, at least, not anymore :p

Think u were owning a day when an admin was in bad mood :p
different servers have different rules but I guess you mean heavy weapon spawnkill is disallowed so mostly all spawnkill ;)
Thank god you can't spawnkill there :D
Got banned for "hacking" aswell, fun players but retarded admins.
thats (HBC) ...
i went thru axis spawn as an allies engi ...just went thru their spawn and suddenly axis spawned (didnt know they r spawning) and they gibbed me saying i was spawn killing -__- even if u play normally, they will catch u saying no u were broke bla bla rule.
power happy admins, bunch of wankers anyway
right / wrong / wrong (10 s'kills per map allowed, doesn't matter whether infight or not) / right / wrong
how the hell do u want to know if i got kicked due to my fakenick or getting bannedb ecause of hacking ?

they kicked me because my fake nick was too long (or whatever reason it was that they didnt like it) "^6______________________________________________________" and i use that one for ages already. And then they also once complained because i had some pervert name.

and for that hacking stuff.. yes i got kicked. like 1 of their hirntot guys from the opponent team whined about me, then 2 hirntot retards specced me and then i got kicked.
i heard they would change to SLAC, but seems they didnt
hirntot had SLAC server too, but they changed to pasword protected for some cup.
its the best public server ever, and hit are awesome.
nah sorry , bio and crossfire pub only.
ip to both plz :(

bio isnt in my hlsw anymore.. never heard of crossfire public


enjoy :)
bah i hate uk servers.. but thanks :)
they aint campaign servers, what i like on pub that theres still the old xp rewards etc :D
like i care about xp rewards.
wanna frag only against better people.
Then play wars against higher skills!
'Cept it's empty mostly nowadays. Was quite full before the holidays but everyone's gone now ;(
has pb on = complete unplayable fag lag shithole :<
I don't lag!
SLACROOM is awesome xD

admins are nice guys too but little low skilled but still
Isn't that with the LB clan or so?
The clan is called "The grow room" and their custom .pk3's replace the map loading screen's badges that indicate which map was won by which side with cannabis leaves.
Ye =D Played a 2on2 against them, and later on a 5on5 with em :P
Such a good server! Its just fun, unlike bio or cf pub
Quite fun, besides HARD playing there ":D"

We will bring back u|k one day though Kalle :-)
nothing will beat the good old u|k days :(
i've already contacted goomis but he's not responding :<
love you 2 Taff :p
theSLACroom owns, one of the few REAL etpro publics
Fun server but the no self-killing policy is annoying. I've got numerous fulls because I can't /kill right before I spawn due to being considered in combat :(
Yea and i was kicked coz 2strong :ddddddddddddddd
u were kicked because i dont want any cheater fags on there, especially frenchfrogs
not my fault if ur server is SO IZI !!!!!!!

niggah pls
it's not my server. Im not an admin
mana : u were kicked because i dont want any cheater fags on there

ok ok
älä nyt viitti vinkuu tost servust :D toi kundi joka pitää sitä on täys retardi hinuri :D
fixin mies ei ulise servuist !
i miss good old efterlyst
Thanks to mana for starting this post & his knid words about <TheSLACRoom> (disgraceful plug of server ip)

Just to clear up a few comments ..

the tgr server has only 1 rule ... no whine!! as for Self kill in fight .. it is a LUA module controlling it & is installed because I have always believed "skif" to be unfair on a FUN server such as this.

I reformed tgr back in Nov 2010 & myself & Led Zepploid (AKA Waggy) set up the slac room with one main goal ... to bring a server to you guys on etpro .. with SLAC .. with campaigns not Stopwatch.

We have a forum http://www.grow-room.co.uk where we take all suggestions & are happy to change campaigns & stuff.

We won't be removing the SKIF LUA .. tried it & regulars left.

Thanks to the continued support of all our regulars

im used to it now, doesnt mind about it anymore :) The bad thing is that the server wont attract the competetive ET-scene because of that. But hey, aslong there's players regularly on the server, it's fine :))

btw send me an invite to join the slacroom server fans :P
well peeps

the slac room has a new ip ....

& we also now allow SKIF .. the lua script has now been removed.

expect to see all you back on tgr's SLAC room soon

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