ATI drivers (hd4870)

which one's best ?
already tested:
-9.5 50-80 fps shit
-10.4 125 fps most of the maps but gd 70-125
-10.5 totally fucked up lol
-10.12 80-125

image: naked-beach-woman

Niels Albert will win today though
I dont think ur fps issues are caused by graphic card
Most likely it is, since I've got the same problem with different version of drivers, known issue with ATI.
using ATI for many many years, from 7500, through hd2600, hd3870 to hd4850 Toxic, been using few different versions of drivers, I have never ever had a problem with fps which would be caused by drivers (actually I have never rly had fps issues at all). There were only one problem which I fixed by updating drivers, and it was mouse issues (it was like usb port was losing power when I played on low fps part of maps, but fps themselves have always been rock steady on 125).
Don't know. Have HD3870 and some version made the map all black, no fps drop tho, but some other version caused fps drops. Hard to say really why does hit happen.
so u think about processor ? phenom quad-core 2.30 ghz
I think with this processor and card i should have no problems with old game
I have Phenom II 3.0GHz quadcore and struggle to get 125FPS on Goldrush.

ET just sucks on new processors and operating systems - there's pretty much nothing you can do except get a ridicilously powerful processor, or a rather old processor.
I have no problem to get stable 125 in any map with my AMD Phenom II X4 920, except it's lagging when the tank is destroying the bank doors in grush.
probably u right,i heard nq-mod fixed issues with new processors it is true ? If yes maybe we can do something with etpro :D
The thing is, while the ETPro developers have obviously long ago abandoned their mod, they still insist on keeping it closed source and hence halting all future development.
Et uses one processor only. So it can very well be processor problem. 2.3 GHZ isnt much
with any gfx card released (not bought) within the last 4 years you MUST be able to get rock solid 125fps and the driver doesnt change anything about that.
there must be some fuckup elsewhere.
I have 10.10 and its fine, tho all the drivers versions have been fine for me
I am the newest member to Team-Eesti btw
All the OpenGL issues are fixed in the 10.12 drivers.
I allways had 125fps stable with the hd4870 with several different computers.
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