I have a Slac problem

i'm sure of it there would be like 20 topics about this propblem...
sorry for that,

so my question...

the first game that i want to load my ET , i always get a disconnect error.
'server disconnect 4 unknown reason' , or i'll get a slac error & disconnect also.
this is only by slac servers.
something like ; removed by slac master

so what to do? Help me out
i think you have to do something.
yea but what ? :D
theres a kick ass forum from speedlink, word is they help people with questions about slac maybe u should try there -.-
actually , no they dont help you , they tell you to fucking wait and open a ticket ...
which they never check hf with ur slac problems
Quotei'm sure of it there would be like 20 topics about this propblem...

the answer is prolly in one of those topics :p. are you really that retarded :p?
You could pracc hard and go pro lern English
I reply because everybody did it before me
gson im disappointed
i think you have a problem with SLAC.
QuoteI have a Slac problem

Unbelievable !
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