
boring and stupid, and did i mention boring?
i think you found it boring...
bruce willis
same for skyline...:(

any good movies coming?

btw whats up with gtv?
server going nuts
is it going to come back online anytime soon? :{ or will that be tomorrow?
Skyline: worst movie 2010!
ye it's not that good

i like the way bruce willis steps out of his car when it just got rammed though :D
I liked it :P
You shouldn't take the movie too serious :)
I didnt because you cant take it seriously.
It just fails to be funny all the way which is sad because its got some great actors who are just lost in that hideous storyline and bad jokes and bad effects and bad stylistic devices
I didn't even notice there were jokes in it. It had a good vibe for me and the entire movie succeeded at being funny in a demure and satire type of way. But to each his own I recon ;)
RED = pretty cool movie
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