Great start into the week :)

Yo guys...

Perfect start into the week!

I was struggling to get up early again since the last 2 weeks i was constantly going to bed after 2am and got up at around 10am.
The last 2 days were even worse when i slept until lunchtime due to going to sleep after 4am.
And today university started again with one lesson quantummechanics from 9 -10.
so i got up early and got on the train in time but guess what...
The train stopped halfway due to some problem. We were sitting in the train for 1,5 hours without not moving a single meter.
I missed my lesson and headed back home directly to be fucking tired, not motivated to study for the exam tomorrow and write a journal to my beloved crossfire community...

At least i made myself some ham&eggs now.
Lets see what the day brings :)

thanks for teh attention.

shoutouts to

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The train stopped halfway due to some problem. We were sitting in the train for 1,5 hours without not moving a single meter. - i would be happy if i would be still in the train ;)

have a good day!

helllo 2 everyone =)
well i was totally motivated for todays lesson, wanted to make it getting up early, be concentrated in the lesson and study for the exam tomorrow.
now i got up early, didnt do anything, got home again and cba to do anything now :P
u can come and do my work ^^

1,5 hours in a train? should be enough time to join the long-rail-club:)
i drive car ;) lucky me! hows u??
hmm, long-rail-club, mile-high-club.. what you join by doing it in the car?


I drive to:(

should be good party :PPP
im not very sure you understand what long-rail-club and mile-high-club is:)
it seeems not :o is this smth pervers :PPP

snuble go on!
mile-high-club is for those who have "done it" onboard an airplane...

i guess you can imagine the long-rail-club and backseat-club aswell;)
ii drove alone. damn :PPP!
never alone:) i allways have some groupies around=)
groupies running next to my car ofc :P
hehe. arent you one of my groupies? if so you are not allowed to have ur own groupies tbh!
uuuhm im fangirl not groupie^^ !
hmmm.. im not convinced:)

why dont we make that discussion over a bottle of wine?
welll u can call me fangirl, groupie w/e as long as im on ur side ;)

wine wounds good!

btw, do you play ET now or are you just spamming crossfire? :) (if u play, in what team?)
i wanted to start again.. BUT still my bf doesnt like it sooo im spamming cf from work and i always try to steal me bit time to play. so mostly at weekends.

u? paly with me? .x

so me no team and i became so noob since i didnt were online for a year.. .
hehe.. bf`s / gf`s can be so harsh sometimes:)

Yeah i paly with you later darling;)
u and me will paly paly im looking forward to it.

gl btw <3
thank you darling:)
lolly pic :ASD
just found an iphone 4

Had a perfect start aswell

First it started nice, finally promoted in SC2 to gold legue at 1.30 am

Then i started to have an arguement with someone :/ which i wanted to solve... pretty much toke my entire night from 1.30 - 5.00 am.

My dad has to work at 6 am so assoon as i wanted to sleep his freakin alarm goes off, could go to sleep at 5:30 and had to get up at 6:30

Slept 1 hour then to school now back, tired as hell :(

aaha so little sleep is fucked up
morning ":D"
like every sunday I couldnt fall asleep and I am tired as fuck today. same shit every monday :\

thx god half day is finished now, noodles incoming soon, then chill until there is finito.
v1ech m8 u shud have fixed the train by yourself!
haha they even said that some smoke alarm was going on and we should be careful of smoky areas in the train :D
but unfortunately there was no fire at all :<
bad luck then :<
Go study at the library. Helps a lot not to be at home where you can't be bothered to do anything.
Woke up, sore throat, cought, "ill head", staying at home.
do what darthmob said :)! gl with the exam ;p
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