awww hihi

good morning, how you doing? What ya doiN? Plans for today?
no plans, guess i go to BiO soon, drinking red bull and listening atm :P
im fine, plans workin, eatin lunch nothing special
nothin much. @ school now listening 2 teacher, browsing the web, and waiting till I get home to play sumthin what Tw1zZt knows

learn for fuking driverlicense -.-*
Need lessons?
well i have thursday the test and i failed the first time ::S:S:S
at work fucking around with java-flex (spring blazeds stuff)

i plan to keep doing this till 17.30
sounds cool =)

if I may ask what did you study?
cause I'm doing "Toegepaste Informatica":p
multimedia en communicatietechnologie @ pih, kortrijk

niet hetzelfde, maar ongeveer evenwaardig diploma als TI. 2 van mijn collega's hebben TI gestudeerd
zin om effe kort te zeggen wat je job inhoudt?

en hoe is het met je werktevredenheid?


ik ben java developer / enterprise content management consultant bij Docbyte (

wat doe ik:
- implementeren van ECM systemen zoals EMC Documentum, Xerox DocuShare, en in mindere mate Alfresco en MS SharePoint
- uitbreiden/customiseren van die systemen (java development, soms wat C#)
- applicaties maken gerelateerd aan die systemen (desktop apps, web apps, office plugins, ...). dat is dan vooral in Java, maar ook soms C#, Flex (AS3). Verder gebruik ik vaak jQuery, Spring, SpringMVC, Hibernate, PureMVC, iText, Flying Saucer..
gonna fuck 10 chicks this weekend.
bfbc2 all day long
not sure , should buy smokes soon though
being sick,drinking tea,sleeping :<
poor thingy :(
just ate mc chicken and frites, soon going shopping with my gf, going to get my mx518 for repair as it broke [*] and i guess ill be nerding at fifa 11 via xbox live all day long
Drinking tea, going out on my bike, drink some tea somewhere, come home, eat, drink some more tea, read my book :-)))
learning... later on going gym.. then prolly coffeeshop right after :p then maybe some ET or movie or w/e :D
chillin' at Gaza, waiting for orders. =D
We need an engineer!
waited for nmkrj to return, which he just did :P
Hello nudels,

I am very well thankyou, its so nice of you to ask. How are you?

Currently i am trying to revise for an exam i have in a weeks time, but sadly so far that has simply cumulated in my spending too much time on Crossfire and Facebook. However, i hope that can change soon.


i read: awww hi nudes :<
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