Computer Problem!


Since a couple of weeks i keep having computer problems while gaming.
For some reason while gaming my computer locks up and the only way out is rebooting. If i keep the computer on for 5-10 in the 'locked up' position it reboots automaticially.

This i tried to fix it:

- Update Drivers
- System Restore
- Reinstall games
- Cleaning up the inside of my computer to lower the temp image: tempcore image: fullload[/img]
- Reinstalling Windows XP
- Small things like: Running in lower details, cleaning up lots of space, run antivirusscans, turning off Firewall, disabling all the stuff in the background

Sometimes one of those options extending my game-experience for a couple of hours but in the end it will crash/

Basicially i'm clueless and the only option left is asking other for help

If you know any possible solution please reply or PM me, if you want to talk to me through xfire : f2krockskin

image: probe

Additional info:

- Temp of Graphics card image: tempGC
- Running a stability-test (two times) of my graphic card made my computer freeze up aswell, after around 4-5 min. (Same effect as ingame)
delete system 32
gambit killed it ages ago...
USB devices? Enable bluescreen....

Then download BlueScreen Viewer...
check that temp again under full load, use prime95 (run it for 2 hours or so atleast)
Don't play ET.
Problem solved.
OMG thanks it worked!
Play SC2
Crashes again
Don't play SC2 :{P
could be core 1 overheating under full load.
those temps arent really accurate, as the sensor to pick the temps up cannot be placed right on the core itself (sounds logic to me, lol). so adding 15-20 degrees to the displayed temp should be somewhere near the exact temp.
You're sure adding 15-20 degrees?

Because it used to be 50-60 degrees which was in the phase of "hot", and lowering it to this was "safe" (grey letters) so if i had to add 20 degrees its still in the phase of "hot"
well i had a aopen mainbord with was drawing the temp in bios, and it said i had to had a certain amount of degrees (15-20) to get correct information.

but i just checked my temps with the same program u used, and i looks like its displaying correctly (at least i have almost the same :D)

but 50-60 degrees wouldnt be too hot anyway, critical temps are over 90°
You do NOT add that amount arbitrarily. Those are accurate sensors in the core, at lower temps they are less accurate but high temps they get highly accurate. Those are high for idle temps.
power supply for sure !
Temp of your graphics card?
Just assuming you know what to do / know if this temp is dangerous high

image: tempGC

Any help is appreciated ;)
Take out your graphics card, unscrew the fan or cooling unit and get rid of the dust.
if cpu and gfx temp are normal I'd first check the ram with memtest... also might wanna check the 12v voltage in bios
Stress test the system and check the core temperatures. You can use Real Temp (, and I seem to recall you need Prime95 as well (full instructions at the site).
You should also test your memory modules, perhaps with Memtest 86+ ( or some similiar app.

You should also disable automatic rebooting, so that you can catch bluescreen messeges in case they appear ( -- similar for Win7 I suppose.)

And if you want to check what module is causing the hangs, you could use the microsoft debug tool. If it's always the same module, the fault is probably there. If it's random modules, you may have a hardware problem. The debug tool, WinDbg, can be downloaded from Microsoft, and additional help and tips are available from

cheeers. Hope you'll solve the problem.
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