non-european countries

Have fun playing NC on european servers!
most are used to it anyway :)
aren't those like 300+ pingers? don't know how can you be used to that!
i got 120 and i pwn u
what a DICK...tipical for our shit nation
kva pa tep ni jasn

kaj nisi prsu v slo nc pa si kr neki jezn zdej al kaj
ti je blo bl ušeč takrt k je jakac igrou pa nabrou ene par debilov k etja niso vidl 3 leta.

dej mal se umer. Če bi semirja poznou bi vedu da je on najbol skuliran slovenc v celi et sceni.
lol clovek etja ne igram ze dug casa za igrce sam komentiram take ignorantske komentarje k jih spusa pou nasga kurcevga naroda.. se jezit ne pravm daj on tak (ne vem kaj mata ma ga ne zalm nega direkt xD nego skupino ignorantskih folkow xD)..ce sm se zmotu se globoko opravicujem ;)
..ale sei so pr useh budale ma slovenci smo res 1 a klasa kar se tega tice... se tice jaka pa mej zmer bolu kurac xD edin k ga bol poznam pa je legenda je carniee xD
aja nism jezn ne vem da nism pro anka amater ne niti noob spadam v kako izumrlo podklaso k se ve ne kje je tipka za strelat xD
I don't see why they should play on any other servers
where else can we play
heard that new Mars servers are great, gap between Europe and rest of the world wouldnt be problem anymore
as long as i have stable 250 its ok, part of german/polish shit servers
Your not even playin, The fuck man The fuck
It has always been that way for USA and Canada, afaik they ping 150 to EU servers so it is not a problem. If we could achieve the same ping we wouldn't care either.

If that was the case most of our better players/teams would probably play in EU cups and ladders as well.
none of you are troubled by water? :s
Only people in Queensland (northern state). Our country is really really big lol
I've seen it on the news man, it's a pool down there :( like size of germany and france flooded? kinda shit :<
yeah pretty much, a few people have died, but nothing compared to Brazil at the moment... 400 people and counting :<
Well that's pretty shitty imo, I couldn't believe every match is being played on EU servers. Used to it or not, the EU enemy has an advantage. Till 200 ping, I guess is okay but everything higher starts to suck.
Hey solvenia hf losing all your matchs without jaka getting forfeit wins :)
Hey solvenia hf losing all your matchs without jaka getting forfeit wins :)
Hey solvenia hf losing all your matchs without jaka getting forfeit wins :)
Hey solvenia hf losing all your matchs without jaka getting forfeit wins :)
Hey solvenia hf losing all your matchs without jaka getting forfeit wins :)
still can pwn most of european on their server
Hey jaka hf getting all your forfeits without match losing slovenia wins :)
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