wesbo's birthday

wesbo has his bday today. so wish him all a very nice day and all the best!
party hard! Gefeliciteerd!!

cake: image: 2009-05-15-geburtstagskuchen,property=poster

song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7QxOllK0VU&feature=related

image: o_emiliana-torrini
Happy Birthday! :D
hb, frand
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyy biiiiiiirthdaaaaaaaaaaaay
damn I want some of that cake
you dont sleep much, dont you?

btw, is it allowed to post tits on CF?
ok and damn :(
not that im into weed much, but i found a pic of a topless girl sitting in a greenhouse hitting a bong...was just...wow xD
in a greenhouse?
are u on this pic too???! which one eh?!
It's Wes, Nils (me), and Kiitos
btw, saw your favourite on last.fm sascha braemer. that radio of him is not that bad...kinda chilled/fitting to my mood atm
sascha braemer makes awesome stuff rly like this guy! :)
i just tuned into his radio to get to listen to more of his stuff. but its playing only related artists. still its fine :D
you look almost as cute here as you did when we had sex in copenhagen :-d
Still sore :(
:-d i'm standing in front of my pc too now, still havent been able to sit down
u destroyed all dreams :'(
gefeliciflapstaart 8)
I wish u soem nice Kittys
On that very night actually. Just stretching, doing my thing, you know the drill...
A real player stretches before he has met the girl he is going to sleep with.
Hey Nils.

So you and your brother are still alive?

Good to know:)

guess i have to go to Malta to get the cash you own me:) grrrr :p
hahaha, I do?

I've totally forgotten, because the scratch on the car?

Good times though, I would have wished you didn't show your dick at every opportunity that arose, but otherwise it was great haha.

Nice to hear from you man.

good times indeed.

Yup, the scratch on the car cost me 8.000 NKR, or 1.000 euro as in maltese money:) (i guess you use euro right?? :))

Luckely enough, Kris payed his share, so i only had to pay 6.000 NKR myself:)
That was one expensive SHG OPen.. and the lucky fucker who playes ET (cause im sure it was an ET dude) and got away with doing the scratch is still not caught..)

you two swedes jumped on the first plane to Malta and buy buy money..hahaha:)

Nice to see you to again. Hows Kiitos? are you guys playing any ET atm?
Shit man, what an idiot that scratched the car... I wonder who it was. We'll never find out :(.

Kiitos is good, lives in London with a manager position within an online gambling company.

I'm still in malta.

And no, I have not played ET in like 10 months, and that was a one time thing. You still play?
well. not really, but i just returned and will play NC atleast:) maybe ill try to make a run for next eurocup as well.. dunno yet:)

Kitos is working for online gambling? wow :p congrats him next time you talk to him then:)
We both do actually :)

I hope it goes well in NC, add some frags on youtube... There's always a snuble multikill!

Take care man
will do:)

take care as well, and congrats to u to!
damn right you should feel the honor!
We all do. Nice birthday and age btw, that makes me a semi-god
Yea I heard there were 3 awesome ppl born that day.
Thanks guys :) and thanks schnee for making one!
Happy Birthday Wesboooooooooooo:)))))
happy birthday
Gefeliciteerd Wesbo :)
hb wesbom8 :)
HB wesbooooooooo!
HB:) have fun @public
gratz Dr. Wesbom8
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