Runescape Referendum

Hello Fellow Crossies,

I have been reading something intresting like the title says it a runescape referendum journale.

I was kinda disapointed along time ago when Jagex decide to take away the wildy of his old style the style runescape begon with when it was 2D.

But aswell runescape kinda died for me when they aswell took away the free trading option cause in my opinion Jagex kinda wanted to controle the eco to much inside runescape with the new system.

I guess runescape does it good to do this: Runescape Referendum vote

If your a old school runescape player get your account back and start voting to get the old game style back and bring back the fun system:D!

Have a nice day fellow crossies!
the old runescape was awesome

I was awesome PK'r, 70 99 0 ftw
cabal better !
remember good old times when i sold gold to kids for €'s ... :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Same :D with a bit of keylogging etc etc
I've already started to make my staker
1 att 1 str 40 def, might get 60 def and eventualy 75
full black elite, iron dagger p++ & other def shiz
putting 60m on it from my main, gonna do 1m stakes i think ^^
Runescape will never be what it once was
true, it became better
Personally I preferred the old graphics and being without skills such as dungeoneering and summoning
change the graphics in the menu, the newer skills (summoning, dung and slayer) are quite nice though
became better :D?

i know its ur opinion but thats just bullshit
old wildy and free trade back, better graphics, newer skills, more minigames, etc
if they are coming back then i agree but it will never be the same
in that case you just agreed=)
Better? Funny guy. Typical new player response i guess.
I wouldn't be able to tell you it's better if I wouldn't have played in the start..
really hope they bring it back. I would definitely start playing again if they did. :D
I know that my parallel class mate have been selling accounts he have got over 2000euro ,today he said that he buyed laptop and he have some bot (he payed for it ) that works 24/7 it have been like that for 1 month now and kids have buyed his accs like 4times now for over 400-500 euro.

WoW for me anyways
Too late the damage has been done. Down hill ever since 2006 with a black hole starting in 2008.
Voted : Yes
i picked up playing wow again yesterday after my PC overheated cause of 9hours straight of two worlds 2. you gotta love pre exam week.
in short: play wow.

im almost cb 137 sup noobs
Level 138 for 1,5 years already, bro. Since then i rarely played tho. Not sure if i wanna start again, but i still want to finish my 99 slayer.
hehe nice, ive quitted for long time tho, but I wanna reach 99 slay too :PP

only 94 atm :(
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