xbox360 help

If i dl a game from internetz, does it work if i just burn it and put it in? or do i have to do something different random url 1 random url 2
you need to hekz ur xbox.
well u know the deal with PS2 and such with illegal games?

xbox360 got the same.

I think u have to get ur hands on some kind of cd that hacks the xbox so you can play copyed games.

try google imo.
consoles suck!
i bet u need to change the chip, or its operation system or something.
u need a chip maybe a new dvd rom
The hax needs to be installed on the Harddisk of your xbox, better buy a large 1 if possible. They do that with Linux. Then put the harddrive back into the xbox and you can copy any game you rent to your harddrive afaik.
hes talking about the xbox360
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