r_picmip 3 !!

in ma cfg ive got

r_picmip 3
r_picmip2 3
seta ui_r_picmip "3"

but every time i load my cfg its r_picmip 1


so i gota do r_picmip 3 manually and vid restart

really annoying ;s

anyone know solution ? ;s

did the trick for u?

good joke bro
I see that you are probably using low quali r_ like me, if you would like to compare r_, check my profile -> my config
buy new pc
delete r_lastValidRenderer from your etconfig.cfg in the etpro folder
1. /setrecommended
2. /writeconfig IceQisahomo.cfg
3. go to your etpro folder
4. open IceQisahomo.cfg
5. hit ctrl+f
6. type in "r_lastValidRenderer" and hit search
7. copy the setting and replace it with the "r_lastValidRenderer" in your cfg
/clearcvar r_lastvalidrenderer
Try cvar_Restart : that resets all of your cvars to default ETConfig settings, delete all of the configs in your etpro folder and etmain folder apart from the config you want to use then obviously exec your cfg when you're on a server and possibly do a "/writeconfig new" just to make sure you have the right cvars saved make sure you delete all the random configs in your profile folders as well because they might be affecting it too

Also, I'm pretty sure ui_r_picmip isn't a real cvar and that r_picmip2 doesn't do anything in ET ;D

Hope it helps!
delete your etconfig from your profile and example.cfg from etpro if it exist
even delete every .cfg file from etmain
/seta r_picmip 3

conifg -> properties -> read only
nigga please

just remove this command from your config if you have it.

seta r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce GTX 275/PCI/SSE2"
r_picmip 3

search for r_lastValidRenderer and remove it
Good luck with solving your problem Clarkee <3
/r_lastvalidrenderer 0 then vid restart with the right picmip!
there is no such command as r_picmip2
err... there is Oo
rtcw relic or something
idk, but there are in et: r_picmip & r_picmip2 (but i don't know if the picmip2 change any grafics :p
vid_restart after executing your config...
You have multiple configs in your ET installation... use 1 autoexec with the settings you want. Win.
remove r_lastvalidrenderer from your config.
doesnt help
it does? helped with me
lulz typing r_picmip 3 instead of seta r_picmip 3 did the trick :D
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