sick at friday?

most of lifeless people won't understand that its a tragedy to feel sick at friday-saturday, so people who waste their time not only behind computers, your solutions to get "healthy" in a fast way?

Paracetamol - lowers temperature (i've 38) , 2 pills
TheraFlu - against cold and flu, works like a charm, gonna drink it now soon.
Aspirin - gonna get sweaty like a bitch, works if you eat it before sleep.
xymelin - spray in da nose, works for 5-7 hrs

+ fruits, juice etc, any moar suggestions?

image: calling-in-sick-gay-queer-sick-demotivational-poster-1269522477
sometimes a friday chilling its okay??
man u realise how annoying is it to be in a club with a lil headche?
true, fucked up
sometimes a friday chilling its okay??
hows army gever?
lol shut up nerd staying home on a friday night
i wanted to be nice and u are so rude..
get a life maybe? maybe go out on a saturday night? fucking nerd
thats why noone likes jews, because you are all rageful pricks
QuoteAspirin - gonna get sweaty like a bitch, works if you eat it before sleep.

THIS, had yesterday almost 38 degrees, today only little headache + throat hurts

for throat
image: 9600
helps a lot for me atleast

also lemon calcium

bah but i wont use for a long time spray for nose, i overused it [havent read leaflet] and had for 2 days breathing problems :x
hf at club with a little of headche, ull wish to get shoot
me + club = it doesnt match
i dont like clubs either x) i prefer going to our pub, since its like ours and we play poker and drink some, before it was more about going to clubs and huge parties.
You're becoming an old man bob...
man u saw that when we were on that club?? it wasnt as good as going around barcelona with those 99999999999 persons we didnt know, going around pubs and shit.

but anyway in mallorca on summers theres huge parties every week:pp big clubs here have like a competition to see which one makes it bigger.

ed: 5-0 again
ye barca wel awesome :D

we shouda stayed in a hostel from the start :)
yeh. a bit of both, house and hostel, all those ppl was staying on that hostel.
ye your house was leet but we didn't meet many new people there
barca city = dangerous though
lol dangerous, krosan scared
dualinity and another friend got stolen while me and krosan slept on the beach and happend nothing:DD the beach is like the first place ud get stolen at in barcelona.
u get robbed everywhere if ur stupid :D
the ramblas + beach place is pretty likely ull get stolen at night, i guess its because ppl there walks around drunk and its easier to steal u.

theres morroccans there who come in groups of 10 persons and steal u.
ofc people like u never get robbed, staying at home behind your pc 24/7

you very smart yes
aha less likely if you watch ur stuff,

i could have stolen your car at lan, you better watch your keys
h3h3 no worries, it's a company car :D

watching your stuff doesn't really work if 10 pakis surround you with knives and shit
thats true, but im talking about people acting all nice and fun.
For example they act like they wanna see if they can lift you and take ur wallet.
who the fuck lets himself get lifted up by some random stranger :XD

anyways, read the following passage

QuoteTherefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
I believe god never gives me more than i can handle.

Have a look at this passage:

QuoteSo when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
Simon loves Jesus (no homo)
I think you don't fully understand the extent to which this applies. Take this passage for example:

QuoteYe know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister.
ok princess krosan
just ask dual
below the belt man, it still hurts :<
barcelona was the best so far man. next one we know how to go, plus in barcelona during summer there were no locals at all
i dont need no locals, they don't speak english at all man :/ and those chicks are so hostile if they've got a bf, pushing me away for just talking to them wtf man
i know what ur thinking but it's an objective reflection!!!

in barca people spoke english and i did pull a girl there so no it's not because i'm an ugly fag :p
they spoke english because basically it was full of canadians, english, scandinavians and americans XD
too bad they ain't that hot compared to those chicks at your beach :(
i know right?
and in my place i met a gay paki who wanted to do me dont u remeber??? v good place to meet ppl:)

he spent 200 eurs on drinks with us man
lol that shit was cash man

still dodgy character though, he could've phoned his friends and then we'd be in deep shit :D
wen i was desperate to get rid of him i was telling him "I GOTTA GO PLS LEAVE ME, ANOTHER DAY WE COMEBACK" and he was like "GET MY NUMBER" i was like oh my god, he took my phone and his number was something like this: 03994#556@¿, and i was like, so this is your number?

i dont think he wud be able to call his friends ahaha
:DDDD dude he drank like 5 double vodkas and was on e all the time :XD
I did like the part about getting us some young chicks though :p
yeh for u, but he went all homo on me, he was fucking touching me man.

and yes he was drinking shitloads, while he was doing cocaine every 5m:D but he got us like ALOT of drinks and i didnt wanna drink anymore and he didnt allow it man, but me and the chick on the bar made a deal and she got me dif drinks:))

basically we got his hash for free
lol u talked to the chick at the bar to get you non-alco drinks? :DDD

anyways you could've taken one for the team man, you gaying it up with that guy, we getting young chicks for free - sweet deal no?

and i didnt talk to her, she did, i was like YES PLEASEEEEEEEE.
she's a nice lady then
she also know the guy apparently, i wouldn't want to be her

you can't deny you liked the way he kissed you though, i saw you smiling all the time man
FAG, yeh i bet you had fun guys, laughing non stop at me while that cunt was stalking me and i couldnt even run away. didnt back me up-.-
hehehee :D

nah we took care of u man we would've never let that guy do anything to you (other than sqeez your ass a bit :XD)

was funny as hell though :p
yes, i bet he spent like the salary he gets in a whole year on drinks for us. and in barcelona nobody believed the story:D
hey what do you want, you're a photomodel after all!
i dont like hash though, it's too much cigarette based and it doesn't even smell good

i prefer a bong tbh
yeh, i think u left by the day that 2 friends i had there from when i lived there, they came and gave us weed:D
At least we ain't posting Hitler pics.
:DD nvm

reported you anyway :PpPpP
Are you serious man
i watched every barca match since the clasico :)
betis played well though, they deserved more
but hey, it's barca, what can i say? :D

gives you energy

might raise ur temp tho
no party at weekend :(
aspirin is all u need!
You're such a fag, wow
hows army gever?
vodka ;)
depends how sick are you? if it's a fever, then a few shots of vodka should make you feel better, make the blood flow. Just don't drink coldrex or fervex or all that paracetamol shit, makes you feel dizzy and shit. Or drink it a lot, sleep for a few hours and party hard later.

edit - if u got this russian pill called CITRUS or sth, it's not for sale in EE anymore, but my dad got it from russia somewhere and it's fucking awesome, it lowers your fever insta and opens your nose.
eat some drop
Just go out & drink :) Seriously.. makes the blood flow, makes you a bit drunk.. you'll forget about being suck pretty soon.
(don't do this when you are really really feeling bad offcourse)
Vitamine C is also working very directly.
What I usally do and it works for me, I take the juice out of one lemon and drink that juice. Then later in the evening I drink som Congaq or jaegermeister
do u actually know, that orange has even more vitamin c as lemon :)
If u wanna have a vitamin c abundance, just eat more different vegetables and fruits
Read in a norwegian docotr column that lemons have twice as much c-vitamins as an orange, it also contains stuff in it witch enhance the effect of c-vitamins :)
Aspirin and paracetamol work the same but w/e

Anyway i'm going to see these tonight:
dj's LTJ Bukem / Goldie / Fabio / Doc Scott / MSC & D Virus / mc's Conrad / Moose / Warren

Win win win win!
omg goldie <3
yes yes! gonna be sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

+i'd take some vitamin C tablets and lots and lots of fruit, always helps me combat illness!
just eat shitloads of fruit and vitamin pills
Eat some diatsepams and sleep till sunday and you are healthy again
same, and it's my birthday today so FML
if u sick u can play ql with me whole day :P

im sick aswelll just a little, but a good reason not to go anywhere, spent like 200-300e last weekend so maybe its better to stay home and paly games x:)
lol'd, what did u do then last weekend? :p
party hard
38 = ok in sweden
sweden - land of fags

now fo
no u, fagmaster
Im also sick, my stomach hurts like hell :(
no, zuurkool :x
Shit happen mate, shit happen
So tired that I would be happy to rest on Friday and Saturday. Its not all that bad. Do some school work, see some ET matches on Gamestv and play some games, see movies. For me though its like 90% school work and 10% to relax here and there.

Dont worry. You will have a great time on Friday sitting home ;)
Hot bath, tablets, sleep.
Hmm, I had some vi(e)ral infection last week and the doctor said the best thing to do is drink like shit and pretty much piss it out. Going to see United KingdomsyK for a few drinks tonight!
machoman syK from uk? zomg
well from wales but should be cool! Want a picture of the 2 hottest guys (-gifty) in ET?
do want :O)
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