madness in u mad-land

Yoo fans

hereby I announce that I will be back this evening with brand new ethernet adapters and a super fast networkcard. It will be up to 10X faster than a shitty NIC.

Prepare for some insta-flagcapping before you even had your first spawn kids.

shoutout to #draakjes and F(r)AN(d)S
you bought it from that other guy?
why no shoutout to me?
Because you are not his friend/fan...
Frand u mean
Soz must be too nerdie to translate it for him
just because im uberfast doesnt make me a nigger
Eat shit. :+D
wa n biest
thx for shoutout
nice it will make you unhit !
and then u become the most hitable guy on ET and your skill decrease,

u mad?
or u can install a 200MB winXP x64 ultra fast on a fast PC, optimize internet connection cables and bone tweak ur modem(internet connection being already fast), and an optimized ETcfg

and be unhitable too, but with everything working ultra fast
or just use netlimiter or another shit from lotte :D
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