discuss guys

image: tumblr_lebnrk8RzU1qzwk3bo1_1280

well discuss the ones that get it:ppp
you meant that why they had that thingy if god would create them ?
mate bible says eva is born out of one of adams rib and adam out of the ground or smth like that
thats why bible is bullshit
Umbilical cord means that they would have been a product of human creation?
It's only a perceived view though. It's like all the painting we have of a white, western looking jesus.
I'm not saying it should change anyone's views, it's just a fail by the painter/artist :D
And why would a painting, made at least several centuries after the story of Adam and Eve was written, depicting bellybuttons destroy the beliefs of people able to believe that God just appeared out of nowhere to somehow create a planet out of nothing?
omg, we're so much alike <3
why would ANYBODY with a healthy brain take in consideration whats written in the bible, i dont even get why ppl has to even argue about whether is true or not
That might be, but the picture you posted makes no sense at all :P
You think i didnt think that?:D still pic is damn awesome, makes em mad
sky wizard is almighty
and anyway even tho this paint proves nothing, the pope for example has those paints as his adam and eva image pretty much. bunch of hypocrites
what u dont get
how can you know the current pope has those paintings as his adam and eva image?
because thats how they illustrate them in religious books?
and it is therefore by definition the popes image?
those gotta be a bunch of trolls
nah you should read the comments
man no way ppl is this dumb:D ppl went to the space and saw the earth shape they are trolling:D
it's called creationism, a lot of people in America believe in it
they should be shot
"Powered by Jesus - vBulletin® Version 3.8.6" hahaha
Wasn't denying that :P
but I lol :DddDD
oh God doesnt exist this really changed my world
Someone actually believes the shit written down on the bible? :)
Whats there to discuss. i dont really believe in this God stuff anywyas, and still, its a painting made way after the Adam and Eve thing happend.
the church also shows jesus as white on paintings, while he was most likely brown/black.

The bible is full of bullshit wich you already knew
Well, it's proven that Jesus is black.

Morgan Freeman is black after all.
what kind of bullshit is it anyway to fucking spawn in a world where you cant even eat a fucking apple

god damnit
eva was a slut, she was alredy shaved.
So you're implying that this paiting was made before the beginning of time?

Makes you wonder who was the painter.
nipples reported
because obviously the painter of this painting was there at the time and actually saw adam and eve.... fuck sake. (Not being pro christianity here or anything, but a painting from several hundred years after this scene apperently took place is obviously accurate and hardly an argument for anything).
imabob on 14/01/11, 15:04:15 Del | Edit | Reply

and anyway even tho this paint proves nothing, the pope for example has those paints as his adam and eva image pretty much. bunch of hypocrites
exactly.. :S
dont get this pic :<
need polandball pic here
So we can conclude... that failing started looooong time ago :D
ITJ: ppl bashing the bible while they have never read a single page out of it, also trying to "satire" the belief in god with their limited knowledge
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