PC Building

hello, i'm about to order a new computer, need your opinion on it


anything i should change? anything i forgot?
any help is welcome
Get 2500K or 2600K if you want to overclock in the future ( overclocking is easy on SB, just get multiplier higher on stock voltage you can reach 4,4~4,5GHz mostly ). With some vcore testing 4,5~5,2GHz is possible.

Whats the reason of choosing the Asus P8P67 EVO, instead of a normal one, or pro version?

Get HD6950, you can flash them to 6970 easy, Google for it, saves some money.

Is that a vertex 2? It's fine.

Get 8GB DDR3 1600MHz Corsair vengeance, they use low voltage on 1600 (1,5), and faster.And from reviews,you can overclock them pretty good when using 1,65v.

Is your windows 7 oem version? If not get that.

850W is overkill, get a psu around 600w for better efficiency, you will save some money on the psu than, and also on your power bill. Your setup will be using around 400watt on max ( just a wild guess ), at least not more.

Don't buy at alternate since there are a lot of better stores. They are pretty expensive.

Also perhaps, it's good to get some alternative case fans for your haf that are more silent, if you like a silent computer. Since the standard coolermaster fans are not that great.
why you gonna buy a CPU cooler? when you buy the CPU it include a Cooler with it :X
Since the scythe mugen will be more silent, and it will cool a lot better.
non boxed its 5€ less
Also the warranty with the boxed version is better i think.
you wast 180 euros on w7
Don't buy an OS just download them brah.
Dont buy windows xD
don't waste 190e just for windows loly;d
1. dont buy an OS , download it for free. I build my own PC and downloaded wn 7 free.
189 euros for it? WOW thats inordinately expensive.
2. dont buy an OS, just use the 1 from ur existing PC.
3. get Corsair ram its better.
4. loose the SSD and upgrade the CPU/gfx card imo. WOW 199 euros is expensive for a SSD.
5. 850 W PSU is to much , however saying that in the future if you want to crossfire your GFX card , upgrade to 12/16/24 GB of ram etc you will need it. Getting an 850 W makes your PC more future proof however it is a bit excessive to get that high W. id recommend a 750 W as that would still allow for upgrading with no problems.
6. get a side pannel with exra fans and upgrade the cooling system to a quieter one. could do this for like 40 euros total just to get a better cooling system and fans+ pannel.

dont listen to zenix when he sais coolermaster fans arent great. I have the coolermaster storm scout case and its quiet, the fans are massive and realy work in keeping the PC cool. Epic case.
Buying a OS is wrong? Some people don't want illegal OS, it's there choice nothing wrong with that.

SSD is the best part he could get, the SSD removes the biggest bottleneck in all computers, the hdd. Imagine everything loading when you want it straight, maps in ET and other games loading in less than a second Windows 7 loading in 10 seconds, its better than a faster CPU or GPU any-day. Since the computer feels a lot faster with a ssd. Also a faster CPU is not possible. And much faster GPU's only the GTX 580 and that one is just overpriced.

Corsair ram is not always better, G.Skill and Mushkin are also really good brands, just not that known in Europe.

750W power supply is not needed, also not for the future. The trend of hardware lately is more performance per watt, parts will mostly decrease in watt instead of increasing in the future. Efficiency is the key.

If you look the case, it already has a side panel with optional fan.

I am right on the fans case, i have experience with several fans scythe s-flex,gentle typhoon, slipstreams,yate loons 1350rpm, nexus real silent and noctua. Those fans are just so much better than a standard Coolermaster case fan, i have 2x Coolermaster Stacker here, and 1x Coolermaster CM690 so i know what i am talking about.

So tbh, he shouldnt listen you at all. Except a fancontroller would be nice from scythe,sunbeam,lamptron, zalman.
SSD's are expensive anyway but are so worth it.

I put one in my Macbook and I load into OS X in 4 seconds. Same with my PC, Windows 7 loads in about 7!
Yea, my ssd died a few weeks back and i was like wtf when i was using hdd again :(
I was so happy when it got back from warranty.
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