pc broke, backup pc in use

So my normal pc broke as I threw it at my mom cause she was raging at me :S
and now its broken :/ quadcore 9550 intel xfx gtx260xt 16gb ddr3 1333 watercooled everything overclocked

now im using single core 1.3 ghz intel build in gfx thingy or w/e
quite fun to see what crap i used to do on my pc 3/4 years ago :D cod2 is on it quakelive somehow aswell also trackmania and LOADS of games like redcat razende rekenrace from my brother :D

now need to remove all the crap i wont use and overclock this crappy cpu so i can do decent stuff on it x| like playing ET!
I hope you arent serious
actually I am, I was actually that mad at my mom that I threw my 2000e pc at her :@ (total cost not worth that today :P)
zijn al u onderdelen kapot of u ma stond mss voor de deur en ge dacht kga ze is goe liggen emme?
you should delete this instantly

watch out, you'll receive a computer in your face !
rekenrace.. :DDD
you will mess it up.

ohh wait...

you just messED it up!
have u ever been so mad, that u threw a computer on ur mom
cool story bro
waarom sloop ik altijd me pc als ik boos ben op me moeder vorige keer was het die gaming laptop van 1200 euro, toen kreeg ik van de verzekering 1200e en heb ik die pc gekocht die ik nu weer gesmasht heb :S
:DDDDDDDD wtf man gooi gewoon met glazen ofzo
heard your sister is sexy, pics pls. thx vriend
i have them, 5 $
i have them, 2.5 $
I got movie, 15$
I've fucked her, PRICELESS !
You made it into my profile. Biggest achievement yet :)
haha, i knew someone would catch on 8D
bad troll 3/10
QuoteSo my normal pc broke as I threw it at my mom cause she was raging at me :S

image: iaintevenmadu
redcat!! nijsssssssss
how the fuck can you throw your pc at ur mum :S
y, a pencil would have been enough for dat bitch
Get help for your anger issues and learn to respect your parents.
I hope this is just a bad troll, otherwise my a big +1
+1 to your +1
+1 to your +1 to your +1
you dont know his parents :D
don't troll an angry kid :D
Learn to trololololol
ur gfx isn't so good so i wouldn't care of that one. well the cpu is one of the expensiv things of ur stuff, and memory is atm realy sheep. well if u pay around of 800€ u will get a computer with some more power :p
realy sheep :D i
spoiled kid
omfg man the idea that i throw 2000e away makes me get a heartatack instandly and u throw it at your mom? man seriously cant u think at that moment to take somthing else or just punch ur door or omfg =D
Beetje triest?!!?!
how many times did you thow the computer?? Prolly some parts are still working..

than again if they're not working you deserve it :)
Beetje triest , maar dit laat me ook lachen .
what kind of watercooling?
when i had raging attacks, my first one i took a chair that its fucking heavy (dno how i managed to throw it lol) and threw it on the floor and made a hole. 2nd one was when krosan and kevin putted tooth paste on my hair while i was really tired and was sleeping, so i got up of the couch and punched a window and my hand was bleeding like fuck but it didnt hurt and got some deep cut. then went to the hospital and it was fuckign far and was so hot and i got sick and when we had to clean the house and leave i was super sick and i coudlnt do shit so mum had to pay 200 euros to clean it up and got mad
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