127 hours

"A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive."

image: 127hoursposter

Based on a true story

Just watched this movie and its awesome. Hard to watch the part where he cuts his arm off. Cant even begin to imagine the pain.
Argh! need to watch this film :D. On a side note, what a bean! Who goes jumping down holes without taking his mobile with him! :p
'trapped him for five days in a remote desert canyon in eastern Utah.'

No signal :D ?
ROFL! Touche xD
had no phone with him
What the hell would be the point? ...
cause cell towers can give signal over 50 km.
Was a good film, but not as exciting as I thought it would be, just used random stuff to fill in alot of the movie
shit movie is shit.
Girl next to me in the cinema was sick when the dude cut his arm off :D
Haha really? I haven't seen it yet but everyone seems to be going on about it. Didn't realise it was that bad though :p
Yeah it's really quite gruesome. It'd be alright if you were watching Saw as you'd kinda be expecting it, but it was pretty random compared to the rest of the movie.
Ah fair enough. Probably gonna go see it next week sometime so at least i've got a heads up about the sheer " gruesomeness " of the scene :p
m8. Its raw :D put it that way, and yea i expected it to be somewhat bad but dam :D.
Haha, can't imagine how he must have felt though. Either starve to death or cut your own arm off. The pain must have been... can't even describe how painful it would have been lol.
yea. its not even like u can axe ur arm off in 1 go or sumin lol. chip away at it for hours and hours, would be like being tortured.
i can

bet then again, im awesum
Worst part is cutting your nerves :( Breaking the bone isn't near as bad, and that's the first thing you have to do!
he couldnt feel his arm cause it had been under a rock for a while. So not "so painful" as it would have been without the arm stuck under a rock
as the was shouting hard, was it the moment, where he cut his arm nerve?
guy gets stuck , guy saws off his hand , the end.

lol @ imdb ratings....
lol @ your narrowminded opinion
lol@ you actually serieus replying to him :p he's been making these kinda retarded comments ever since he renamed himself :p
really have no idea who he was before either :D
ye, same ;o)
what was his nick before?
i think it was lolcat before he renamed to CAT, dnno what it was before that
thats not nice, calling me a random :<
i meant lolcat :D
surely a great movie will watch it :) i remember hearing from the story years ago.. and i just might want to skip the cuttingarmoff-scene
haha ye. Ill prolly do that aswell ;o)
We saw all the movie inthis trailer, nice.
what maza said
i thought you were sitting like 127h in front of your pc ;o)
cool story bad movie
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