
Since about a week I've been getting stuck on every wall, falling down halfway through a jump and aiming really unsmooth. First I thought it was just me or my inet, because I've been lagging out aswell, but when I went to pub or ETTV everything was smooth again.

The only difference I noticed is that without SLAC my lagometer looks like a solid line while with SLAC (or atleast on most to all war servers) my lagometer looks like a bunch of yellow and green dots. Does this indicate something, like connection getting interrupted or packet loss?

It looks like this: . . .. . .. . . . . . and not like this: _______

Back to study like a true hero :(
your pc is getting hacked by slac , its normal
try starting it without ETpro. Just from ETmain :)
you mean start slac without the command? because I always do that or it wont start :p
ive no idea but i hope u can figure it out

probably slac related
your pc is getting hacked by slac , its normal
mine looks this: .. .... .. | .... .. . . ||| ..... ||| ...... ||| ||| ||| .. . . .. . .. . .. . ...... ||||
So your lagometer looks like a bunch of erect penises??!
its slac copying your bankaccounts.
Got the same.. Much smoother w/o SLAC.. Don't know how to fix it tho
Seeing as other people have the same, I'll try making a post on SLAC forums. I just came back to ET, but this is no fun.
Allright, goed idee :-)
Got the same problem! Can you give me a link to the slacforum topic?
havent made on yet, not really playing alot :p
same here :(. definetely slac related.
stop met dat overdrijven :p.
I've noticed some lags on servers with the server-side slac addon. I don't get why people use it on private servers anyway. the only thing is really does is force slac and add lag and a couple of useless commands (you don't have to spend 10 extra seconds to find out someone's slac account name >_>)
Now that you mention it, one difference between when I stopped playing and now is that now most servers are using the server-side slac mod. I'll be sure to mention that when and if I make a post on the slac forum.

Do you know a server with pb off and without the server slac mod? Pm me if you do, only for testing purposes.
and i already said in my previous windows 7 sucks journal that chapljaxsasds should fix it because it sucks.
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