University of Tartu (Estonia)

Hello guys,

i'm from germany and I decided to study one year abroad.
my favourite choice would be the University of Tartu in Estionia as the topic already states;).
the question that comes up now is that i would like to know if anyone of you study in tartu or live somewhere near by. the reason is that it might be very helpful for me if anyone of you could help me out with some stuff e.g finding a room and so on because i may not come to estonia before the winter term starts and its kinda hard to do all things via internet and with no idea where to ask.

Try ringing the University and ask...?
nice choice
from all the possibilities you might have you choose estonia ? its like east germany just 50 years back in time
Where's Ray hanging out?
lol man u really don't know how to pick a country. u should go to croatia :)
well i did not know that you've got universities over there:).
just kiddin i have to pick a country which is supported by my univeristy's own exchange program. no croatia.
was machste denn hirdh?
och ein wenig im ausland abhaengen:).
aufs studium bezogen! ich muss auch ins ausland, ein jahr, allerdings kann ich mir aussuchen wohin ich will :D Neuseeland, australien, USA, etc
I live in Tartu but u should contact sheriko or infect, they picked the same University this year and are willing to help you, i guess.

Hmm, it's a little cold dont you think? :D

Apparently Tartu is a pretty boring city, try tallinn (or go somewhere warm and get a tan so I can lick you at LAN :))

E: ask fredd
i just got my A-level-exam.

finally i am allowed to study in cities like london, paris, new york, LA, berlin, tokio or tartu.
the education they give there is better then in Tallinn so go to Tartu
good choice
you serious?:D
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