et_ice side rules

played a 3on3 on ice (usually don't do that), suddenly my oppo flamed me saying I went "side"

what exactly is considered side at ice and is it actually illegal? can't find it in the CB rules

eternal gratefulness as reward
where u have to plant? and thought it was allowed in ice
in CB its legal.
lol newschool :D what Predje said , the door you have to plant and it's allowed to do that.
thats main
that's mayn
cb = side allowed
afaik its allowed
low oppo then.
that map is bullshit if you are not allowing side.
ur not allowed to take the obj
It is legal.
everything is allowed on all maps
inb4 frosbite side

stupid incompentent losers cant strafe
all side ways are allowed in every single map.
you can even go from side in frostbite 2o2
Side allowed on every map on CB

For the one who play last OC 2v2 - 3v3, you cant miss this point about side.

Side is ALLOWED on every map.
actually the better question would be, is there even a real no side rule on any map and any format? :DDD
in unofficial games it's become a general that you dont use it, which I think is ridiculous.
ex: b4, frost, etc
main = where the main entrance is at
side = where the side wall is at

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