best petition ever

If you care and love this game.. Sign it if you dare!
well more journals/forum posts means more success and attention!
You have just signed the petition to "ID Software, LLC", please check your email for the verification link.
Don't forget to check your SPAM folder!

We have collected 218 Signatures
was gonna flame but when i opened the site.. looks like good effort even though theres close to 0 chance of it making a difference
won't happen, but signed!
Signed, needs more attention tho!
where are the covies?? :O
rtcw = no covies = sniperweapon on soldier

i want to believe.
done and done
won't happen, but signed it anyway
after all we are all thats left about this game

e:"We have collected 282 Signatures"










I have been playing since 2001. Every forum for first person shooters that I visit compares the new ones to RTCW. The game RTCW is perfect. The style of play and its characters abilities do not need changed. ET was a nice try but it was just a bit out of line of the feel of RTCW. We are looking for a solid anti-cheat software, sharper graphics, faster loading of maps and mods, make trick jumps a bit easier for less skilled player. Don't reinvent the wheel just change it from wood to rubber








Don`t fail like "Wolfenstein" did. :)
We also request "ID Software" to stay away from anything resembling the 2009 "Wolfenstein" title, this includes the engine used to run the game and NO iron sights. :P

We have collected 359 Signatures
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