schnee's good morning journal v5

Good morning peepz =)

Time for my morning journal as some alrdy requested one! Hope u all had nice evening. =)
Me yes, we went to outside meeting with my company to discuss some changes in near future.
So I only had live ticker for handball. So I didn’t see us loosing.. Hopefully we will win at least against tunesia so we gonna have a chance to get into next round
lucky french guys. i had to admit the better one won this game...

Question of the day: healthy food or fast food?


image: ftjyqrmi9bk

Shoutout2 gifty, alan & my buddies <3
good morning :)

definaetly healthy food
good morning :)
definitely junkfood!!!

To much workout and healthy food atm, makes me hunger for junk all the time:(
Hehe, of course if you are in hurry and you just must eat something - then junkfood. But mostly when I'm in home I definately cook healthyfood :-)
i agree:)

but i never have the same "hunger" for good healthy food as I have for junk.. its addictive!!
morning snow :))

just woke up, shitty day but i feel good and that's important. going to uni soon :))

healthy food, but not in the way like eating vegetarian food, cereal and crap. healthy food as in meat, vegetables and fruit
good morning :)

hf at uni
same with food :)
I watched Detroit Pistons vs. Boston Celtics, now im sleepy.

Healthy fast food!

how was the game? fell asleep before beeing able to watch it :(
Pretty close, Detroit was leading the tempo, but in last 3 minutes it was the good old Boston.
Paul Pierce jumper from his sweet spot, Ray Allen runner (stepped on 3 point line) then some great D. And free throws by Big Baby.

Player of the game was THE SHAQTUS, who was playing like hes 20 again, lots of hustle plays from him, diving to the floor on many occasions.

E: u can watch it on League Pass on demand as its free :)
wow, you should think about writing for the NBA-page or something ;) thx for the nice summary!

and another thx for helping my useless brain again to see the obvious :DDD
good morning :)

whats the song? cannot open in fucking yerman country :)
heyho miss!
had a small surgery yesterday. having painkillers and antibiotics now, feeling a lil dizzy.
going to after-surgery-check in 30 minutes or so.

sometimes healthy sometimes not :)
small surgery? michaela? :D
nah xD
the remember? ;D
something had to be "opened". ouchy!
oh yeah I forgot about that :P
good morning :)

hope u r good again?!
hey :)
thx, its okish. will be all good in a few days i guess :)
good morning

sure you will be in next round. On last tournament Poland got to 2nd stage with 0 points won 3 matches and reached 3rd place =)
Today we play against Sweden so it will be extremely difficult match. Luckily Sweden lost with Argentina, and in group C Coratia tied with Serbia, so the only teams that have chance to have 6 points in next group r Poland and Denmark(play against coratia today)

obviously not so healthy(dont like and dont eat much vegetables) food but also not fast food :)

song: :D
good morning :)

i like the song!
Good Morning!

Healthy food ;D
good morning :)
Good morning!
Quite a nice sunny day here!
Had a meeting last eve with the excursion committee (which im part of) about the excursion to Tallinn! Was great!
Have to study statistics for tomorrow..
Healthy food, but some fast food after some great party night!

good morning :)

we have bit snow here today :(

whats the song cannot open in germany.

u were in tallinn? was it nice there? me planned trip there this year!
the song is coldplay - fix you

No i had a meeting about Tallinn last night because we're planning a trip to Tallinn too!:)
So we had to plan the trip costs, activities there, etc etc;)
how much are u expecting?
well, we're organising the trip for 50 persons, so... we're trying it via some travel company and they say it will cost €290 for the flight + hostel for 8 days + the bus trip from groningen - bremen. But we think its way too expensive so we're trying to negotiate with them because we also have to organise some activities in Tallinn (and that will cost money too:P) so we tell them that our max is €270 for all this shit above!
for how many days is this ur budget? i didnt even had a look at any prices so far. just that i wanna go there ;)
well this €270 is the price all these volunteers have to pay + the price for the activities, so they'll have to pay around €300. So our budget will be €300 * 50. And then we'll do some acquisitions too and we got some money from the board.

But you're planning this trip for yourself or with some friends? We have to organise and meet every week because thats our job as a committe;)
i think im going alone maybe with a friend dunno so far. and i dunno anything so far :p
just i wanna meet vaiko and go shopping because its sheep there. :)
yeah the prizes are a big plus there, but who knows, maybe i'll meet some known estonians too in the night clubs, would be funny and awesome at the same time tbh:P
And if you're going in april, who know i might be seeing you too!
nice song mate :)
good morning :)

i like zhis song a lot.t hx for posting!
Morning again Schnee! :)
Healthy food, but if fast if u are in hurry or dont feel like cooking
good morning :)

just found out I won't go to Mainz in february cause on the day I was supposed to, there will be a company lunch! we wont talk about changes though, we never change anything, because everything was perfect 30 years ago, why shouldnt it be today...

healthy + fast food! even though I try not to eat mcdonalds 4 times a week.
good morning :)

me neither, we changed our workflow and our tasks to diff persons so i wont go there :/
Meeeeting :(
kein meeting. sooooo good :)
Fu :p so boring.
du? ja! :D
Healthy food for sure.
fast food ftw!
good morning :)

fast food is not good for brain just saw it on tv!
I never said my brains are good^^

good afternoon to you now!:D
Whiii! :)

healthy food!
studying sports and i'm having +-20h sports in 5days, so healthy food is a must ^^
altough late night snacks are a must when you go out.

again cewl song :)
good morning :)

what sport u do prefer? and what u gonna do after uni?
he is training 20 hours a week on his wanking skills.
after uni he is going to compete in world guinness book of records wanking marathon contest.

wish him luck!!!

(you could always send him those pics you talked about)

Today is a great day, my girl is coming over in a couple hours and I have band practise tonight for a gig next week. We need to sort some sound issues out (monitors, noise reduce and that sort of stuff) but I don't think it will take long.

Anndd healthy food ofc.
good morning :)

what kind of music u playing?
With the band pop/rock music. On my own, every that has distortion in it (what would be anything inbetween pop music till heavy metal/screamo).
definitely fast food :] Mornin lady!
good morning :)
Health food.
worked from 14:00 till 22:00 then came home fresh me up and played a game with Pur3Fragging after that i was allready in bed.

For me healthy food or resturant dinner 4sho

Greetz x
good morning jimiii :)
good morning

healthy food, sometimes fast food, depends in what mood i am =)
good morning :)
Good morning:)
Healthy food for me today!
good morning :)

whats the song? i cannot open in germany :(
Marianne Rosenberg - Ich bin wie du!
good morning kartoffel :) all good?
fast food
nice picture!
good morning to crossfire community and to schnee! slept well, gonna eat lunch now, will study throughout the day, taking a shower soon and gotta wash my hair LOL
my problem of the day is that gf is having a birthday soon and I don't know what to buy.. damn :(

enjoy the day!

e:I would soooo eat fast food today :D
good morning :)

how much u wanna pay? i got my pandora braclet :x
well like 20-30 euros and I always buy something she never expects but always likes it.. HELP :D
make wellness at home, buy some stuff for bath flowers, parfume bath salt
I would lie if I say healthy food xd
In a meeting with HP today , only good thing so far was the lunch :D <--- good song to wake up to.

im having a subway today cant go wrong with a meatball marinara!
i like the song :x
Good morning love!
A: I normally prefer rather healthy food, but don't mind fast food like once a week or more in exam periods (kinda like now :<)
thats it... i am in love with you. hope someday u shoutout meh :( anwser: a lil bit of both ;)
=) good afternoon
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