Long weekend

All the real_mans_work done for good now, and i can rest the end of the week :)

Feeling very happy but my mind is kinda tripping in another dimensions, i've been listened to this song @ repeat for like 1 hour in a row now. It's an old masterpiece written by the old masters of LSD & creativity.

Unbeliveable that a single human mind can create such an epic piece.

Even the most retarded ones here (The kinda thugs who like to listen to 50 cent when theyr air boxing infront of their PC), plz, take a moment of you pathetic life, and listen. The orgasm starts around 0:44.

Shoutouts in this epic journal belongs to:
FinlandsMOKENINJA (obviously ffs -.-)
Finlandrest of KRP
Europeeveryone who likes this kinda music.
fuk yeah, i've had whole week free from work o/
sick song, love 70's rock
im am really retarded and sometimes I listen to 50 cent airboxin around my room.

but i like that song
Wat een kanker muziek
fiddy way better lol
Shadow boxing is awesome.
why don't we see woman toppless on the beach???
its rly not that good
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