New earbuds.

Hello cf, seeing as today I accidentally electrocuted my Koss Spark Plugs I'm in dire need of new earphones. I'm also thinking of just rebuying the Plugs because of their awesomeness, but if you could point me out some worthy contestants I'd be grateful.

What I require:
  • a rich soundscape, not some crappy cans
  • most preferably cushioned in-ear, a hard plastic coating is a no-no
  • should not be too expensive, below 30€ is what I'm looking for

image: 491979
aksu <3 nice chick!

I have and i never had problems
this girl reminds me someone i dont liek ;/
If you're going for a set priced below €30 you could get any random sennheiser or philips.
Earbuds that really stand out in a certain aspect are mostly priced over €50 I think.

I bought these Vivanco Aircoustic Black Walnut for €55 recently. They're great.
image: LL
Die zijn spuuglelijk :D

dankje trouwens :(.
niks over men oortjes, vriend.
Sorry, vriend.
sennheiser cx 300-II
get headphones way better :D

Or Skullcandy In-ears they are better then their headphones
Already have got decent headphones.
why the need of earbuds then?
soundmagic pl30 seems to fit your criteria and has been getting good praise

i'd recommend searching around on head-fi to get info on IEMs/headphones as opposed to somewhere like crossfire. there is a really awesome IEM comparison/review thread on there too which should be a good help

i'm also looking for some IEMs, considering getting the soundmagic pl30s for walking/travelling and then sennheiser px100s for jogging/exercise
Heh, actually I remembered some uk guy reviewing some earphones followed by a lot of discussion on a journal from way back and thought maybe he or someone with equal knowledge would be browsing. :D

Well thanks for the response, I'll be checking those soundmagics out and try to find something on the Head-Fi forums.
get those "dr dre" earbuds everybody suddenly talks about.

image: monster-beats-by-dr-dre-tour-in-ear-headphones
yea but since dr dre made 'em they are a hype! ;)
the headphones are in fact pretty good.

I don't really like the hype either. People walking around with studio headphones of 300 euros.
I doubt that most of em interested themselves for quality earphones but just buy it cuz they see it on tv/street.

I can't see em anymore , wouldn't want to have one cuz every random person walks around with it now ;D
plus the cable is like 3 meters thick and red. fugly
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